Thursday, 12 July 2012

Mixture of Things

Surprisingly I am very new to eBay and have only just started using it. I was playing around on it the other day and saw a book that looked quite interesting that you could "Bid" on. It was a diet book, one of those self help ones that I don't actually believe in so much any more as have defo learnt that there is no easy way just the hard way. Its called " I Can Make You Thin" by Paul McKenna. I recognised him as one of my friends read his book to stop smoking and it really helped her. She stopped smoking straight away and now only occasionally has a cigarette.  Anyway to cut a long story short I bid on it, I placed a grand bid of £1.99 and thought well somebody else will bid as it probably is quite a good book and comes with the CD as well. Well low and behold nobody else did bid and now I am the coughPROUDcough owner of "I Can Make You Thin" with a self help be fair the reviews does say its quite good so we will see!

Last  night we had a very nice dinner which was quite healthy but I did let myself down, a few weeks ago my Mother bought me some white chocolate cookies from Marks and Spencer's (I had a mini spaz at her and then she bought me a bag of fruit later) They are the most AMAZING cookies I think I have ever tasted. The white chocolate is really lush and the cookie is perfectly crunchy....I had 3 of them and what is even worse is that I ate them secretly so Biggy wouldn't see. Crazy I know as it is so obvious that I know I shouldn't eat them...and I am eating it in SECRET!!! So not healthy!

Also I know earlier I said I was going to just try and weigh myself once a week but I want to weigh myself everyday. I know it's not the best and when having bad days will get me down but I like to know whats happening. This week I haven't been very good on the exercise front either... I did get up early on Monday but since then I haven't and haven't done any Zumba, just finding that I am quite tired in the morning this week. Think it could be because I am really trying to watch what I am eating and having salads and soups for lunch at work and for snacks I am having fruit and things....will hopefully see some  kind of result on the scale on Monday!

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