Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Weekend Fun - Overeating

So this weekend is an extra long weekend....party time!!! It has been really fun. So on Friday I went to Oxford to see my friend and we had a very healthy meal but lots of pimms. We also watched Dirty Dancing, OMG, what a film. It was hilarious as we knew all the words to the film and music. The next day we just chilled. It was weird being back in Oxford as my life has moved on so much from my old life!

Sunday we had ANOTHER high tea with some amazing home made cakes made by my mother and we were babysitting my nieces (2 and 5) I think i burnt off all the cake by running around after them so much!!! We were supposed to be having a BBQ in the evening but the weather was so awful we ended up having a Chinese! I have eaten so much I was dreading my weigh in on Monday!!!

I had a friend over for lunch on Monday and cooked a really good meal:
Lightly fried turkey
Sweet pepper stuffed with mashed sweet potato and feta
Green leaf salad

It was so good catching up with my school friend and it is so weird to think we have been friends since we were 11.

In the evening it was back to Oxford for another dinner out, we went I this great Tapas restaurant and the food was delish! My outfit for the night was cute as well and I channelled a little bit of Khloe. The friends we were seeing we haven't seen for awhile and I was complimented on my trimmer figure which was so good to hear as nobody has really said anything to me and I don't feel like I have lost weight although I know I have. But with all this toning workouts I will defo start to be able to see a difference..... I hope......

Today is going to be a pampering day... I will do my workout and some ZUMBA and then will relax and have a inhouse maddi-peddi. I think it's really important to have one day or evening where you concentrate on you. I am not really a girly girl but since starting to work out more I have wanted to take better care of all aspects of ME! I think it makes you be prouder of you and your body so you are always thinking and focusing on what you want to be and become. This journey can't be all hard work otherwise people wouldn't do it!!!!

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