So I defo use Khloe as my Thinspiration. I have only recently got into the phenomenon that is the Kardashians and although I know that so much of it is staged Khloe really stands out for me. She always seems to get lots of stick from the press and so called "fans" for being overweight. I think if you look at her she is actually in fantastic shape. The problem is is that her sisters are really short so next to them she does look alot bigger.... she is 5ft9 an her sisters are around 5ft.
Out of all the sisters I think Khloe has her head screwed on the most. I love that she really concentrates on her husband and still has independence from her family that if she wants to do something then she will do it. Khloe seems quite down to earth and doesn't take any s**t from her family or friends, I find it crazy to think that she is the same age as me.
In fashion sense I do really like her style. I especially like the dress she is wearing in the picture "Thinspiration". Some of her things are a little out there but I am not a fashionista...not yet at least!! I was having a debate with a freind recently about Gok wan v's the Kardashians and she was saying how Gok really helps you dress for your shape and I totally agree but my argument was that you can get lots of inspiration from other things that are around you and recently I have definitely been channelling a Khloe look or at least being influenced by her style!
I have to say, I do totally girl crush on her and could talk about her alot.
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