Thursday, 7 June 2012

Bed Is Such A Warm Place To Be

So after putting together my workout yesterday I was so excited to start this morning bright and early, but do you think I could get out of bed... Could I hell!! Now I am not one of those people that are in a really bad mood in the morning or that needs a coffee before even looking at anyone. I just couldn't get out of bed. I went to bed quite early the night before, we actually got into bed at 8pm and watched Greys Anatomy (Love It!) till 11pm. My alarm goes off at 6am and then I snooze for 15minutes before getting up at 6.20am which should leave me 40 minutes in the morning to do my workouts before my shower and walking out the door at 7.45ish feeling good and AWAKE! It just didn't happen this morning, I even skipped my shower which I hate doing, however once I was up and in the car I actually felt good. This evening I am doing my Zumba so will have to make up for it.

Tonight the other half is cooking and we are having "mushroom risotto with pan-fried seabass fillet", sounds yummy, however without sounding like a spoilt brat a little voice in my head is going...fried, fried FRIED nooooooooooooooooo. Its really hard when you are eating with other people and you want to eat differently. Part of me think a little oil won't hurt but then I know it's all the little things that add up! The other half is really good and cooks regularly for me and always try’s to do something healthy especially when he has no need to, he is so slim and fit, it's unfair!

I weighed myself this morning and my weight has crept up 2lbs which I am not happy about. So I really need to up my game, I think the last week with all the cake eating and sandwiches I am not surprised, but it also means that I have gone up and down 2lbs for the last 4 weeks. I have had reasons why (Weddings, Jubilee, Girls Night) but let's face it there are always reasons really got to get into watching what I eat again. With the exercise combined the change will start to happen faster.... yes?!

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