Well hello there! So sorry for going AWOL for awhile! I have started a new job so as you can imagine I have been very busy the last week and I haven't had my usual time to be able to blog..but going to make sure that I now blog when I come home from work.
So what's been happening with me? To be honest quite alot... last Saturday I watched a program called "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead"which was quite bizarre as I had recently read about it a couple of days before in my UK Women's Health Magazine. Anyway I wanted to watch it and see what all the fuss was about...and to sum it up very briefly, it's a guy who was quite overweight and also had a sickness where he was on quite alot of medication and had been predicted that if didn't things changes he would not have alot longer to live. After going to a number of doctors who couldn't help him he decided to take things into his own hands and go on a special diet...now what he doesn't explain is how he decided what diet to do.. but anyway...he Juiced Veg and Fruit for 60 days straight and by the end of it had come off his medication, reduced all signs of his illness and had reached his range for a healthy weight...

He came off all the crap he had been eating to "Re-boot" his system and never at any point did Joe (Joe Cross) say that this was a lifestyle or a continual way of life...but to look at it as a way to reboot your system, break habbits and ween our body off unhealthy foods. I decided that I really wanted to try it... I don't eat enough vegetables or fruit and definitely don't get my 5 a day so even if I just added a Juice in to my diet along with everything else I couldn't see it doing me any harm... So the last week I have been doing my own version of Joe's reboot and do you know what... I feel excellent.
I started last Saturday and weighed in at 186lbs...and I did the Juicing up to Friday evening.... this is what I have been doing.... I have a Protein shake in the morning with a glass of Juice, Followed by Juice for Lunch and then a Veg Soup with extra beans or a tortillia or something in the evening. I stood on the scales on Friday morning and was back at 182lbs so I was really pleased... I also was feeling great.
Now Joe did this juicing for 60 straight days but I don't want to as I do want to bring this into my everyday life for the long term so my plan will be:
Mon: Protein + Juice for Breakfast, Juice for Lunch, Soup for Dinner
Tues:Protein+ Juice for Breakfast, Juice for Lunch, Soup for Dinner
Wed:Protein + Juice for Breakfast, Juice for Lunch, Light Dinner of Fish or White Meat with Veg
Thurs:Protein + Juicefor Breakfast , Juice for Lunch, Soup for Dinner
Fri:Protein + Juice for Breakfast, Juice for Lunch, My Choice
Sat: My Choice
Sun: My Choice
Now so far I have been doing well on the Juicing, I have not missed a day and really enjoy making them. At the moment I am having a Protein shake in the morning but am going to see if I need to have proper protein (Bagel and peanut butter or egg and turkey) once I have returned to the gym. The one area that I have not been so good with was after this weekend... we had a family weekend mainly at my parents house so there was alot of food, then on Monday I had my juice in the day but in the evening we had another family evening which involved Cava, nibbles and a Dominos...then on Tuesday again I did all the juicing as planned in the day but had one of my best friends come over as I forgot her birthday (eek) so we had a fully blown evening last night as well. Tonight is going to be the first day that I have really stuck to the plan but the last two days are unusual as normally during the week we stay in and it's just the 2 of us. The good thing is that things could be alot worse if I hadn't stuck to my plan during the day..!!!

Now another area I have been really bad in since starting my new job is the GYM... So stopped my last job about 2.5 weeks ago and had a 4 day weekend so I took a mini holiday and didn't go to the gym. On the Monday I started my new job after lunch so went to the Gym in the morning which was fine... but haven't gone to the gym since. Last week I was a bit weary of going to the gym and doing a full workout when I was starting the juicing as I didn't know how my body would feel. This week however I am feeling really good and am not worried at all about going to the gym.. but have I gone.. no... I am out of the habbit... it's taken less then 14 days for me to get out of my routine... I have set my alarm so many times to get up at 6.00am to go to the gym but then I wake up see how dark it is and change my alarm to give me an extra hour in bed. I hate it.. I really want to go and it's my own sheer will power that will get me there... the crazy thing is that I actually really miss it! I think a bit of it is becuase I haven't had the chance to blog (keeps me accountable), haven't been on Twitter as much (Keeps me inspired), haven't been on Pinterest much (Keeps me motivated) and haven't been reading all the health mag's on line (Keeps me up to date!) ANYWAY... tomorrow I am really going... I have packed my gym bag like I used to so everything is ready to go and have already made my juice for tomorrow so can just take it out of the fridge and go....
So here we are ... a mega catch up and lots of exciting things happening as usual...watch out for my tweet tomorrow morning from the gym straight after my workout!