Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Dark Mornings.. Worst Thing EVER

I went to the gym this morning but OMG it was hard work getting up..it was dark outside and I was so snug in my bed...that perfect temperature when you are really warm in bed but it's slightly chilly outside of bed. Love those moments... but it does make going to the gym the least appealing thing in the world. However I got up and pushed myself out and to the gym...this morning was my first day of my starting my toning exercise again and God it was hard. I forgot how hard..it didn't help either that this morning there were a few people in the gym.. normally I am the only one in the ladies area... I was so concious of looking like an idiot especially when I had to do burpees and was really struggling!  

Last night I didn't have any wine and was in bed by 10pm which was great. Biggy and I spoke about money though and I really need to cut back as I want to stop using my credit cards... so it means I can't buy a juicer this month which then means that I can't really juice as a blender wouldn't really work...would it? I might give it a go in a  blender and see what happens actually... anyway Tuesday and Thursday my target will be 1000 calories as that will still allow me to have a soup or something for dinner in preparation  for my run the next day and also means I only need to cut 1500 for the rest of the week. 

At the moment I am on track and still have just over 400cals for my evening meal... I will either have a soup or a big salad...not sure yet.... 

Looking forward to my run tomorrow morning... shock horror

1 comment:

  1. good for you for no wine and an early bed time! I am struggling with getting up early to work out. When its dark and chilly I just want to stay under the covers! Amazing that you pushed through! Keep it up!
