Monday, 16 September 2013

New Horizons

This morning I got off my arse at 6.15am and headed to the gym...I  have to say I felt mighty pleased with myself especially as I didn't even have to talk myself into it.. I just got up and went. I got on the running machine and did a 5 minute warm up walking and then did 20mins straight run at normally I do 4.2 but felt it was too slow so upped it... I only managed 20mins and before I was doing 30mins but I am fine with that as I haven't been to the gym for about 3 weeks so can't expect to go back and be as good as before. I am sure it won't take me long to be back up at 30mins. I also ran with weights for the first 10mins.. I just held a couple of light handweights for 10 mins.. I was going to do 10mins with 10 mins without and then 10 mins with but didn't get to the last 10 minutes! After the run I did the plank, I did 3x 10 second holds.. not much but it's the first time I have done it so I don't think it's bad. Tomorrow I will be doing my toning workout from FitSugar and then Running again Wed and Fri and the the toning workout on Thurs. 

Here is a photo of me after my workout just cooling down for 5 minutes. My calfs' look so big but with my hard work they will be getting smaller as I become stronger! #positivethoughts

Today I have really stayed on track, had a yummy breakfast of Chicken breast, avocado, hummus, omelette and pineapple cottage cheese.... I have stayed on track all day and haa Maxitone shake for lunch with an apple and then dinner tonight is cold beef with salad and veg. I have recorded everything on MyFitnessPal the only bad thing is I forgot my FitBit this morning so haven't recorded my steps today. I definitely feel like I am back in the game and feel confident that I will stay on track again! 

Other news is that at last... I have a new job! I am thrilled! It's out of recruitment and quite close to where I live. It's better money and more in line with my previous roles. I start in about 4 weeks so am super excited and can not wait. I feel like I am turning a corner. I handed in my notice today and although sad to leave some of the girls in the office am not sad to be moving on from the company! 

Also I weighed in today and am 2lbs down... so 3lbs away from being back to my lowest SO FAR of 182lbs. 

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