So annoyed... My car got broken into on Monday night and the bastards stole my handbag with my purse in it very lovely D&G purse.... so sad and so annoyed....
I stupidly left my bag in my car outside my house over night thinking it would be safe...we don't live in a very residential area and we are away from the main road and on a school premises so was pretty certain it would be quite safe... Came down to the car on tuesday morning to go to the gym and all my car windows were wide open. I was like..omg...did I leave all my windows open overnight....hold on where's my handbag.....

However the thing that annoyed me the most....was that I couldn't go to the gym as I had to wait for the police, sort out my cards, fix my car etc and it has messed up my routine... so annoyed... I will have to make it up over the weekend which is fine...I was thinking of going tonight but Wednesday is normally my cleaning night and the flat is a state so really need to do that!
Today has been a good eating day... I have been looking over my food diary and really want to get my protein levels high again... I had a shake for breakfast with an egg... normally I would have a big breakfast but as I didn't have any MONEY I couldn't go and buy anything..then at lunch I went to the bank and managed to get some money out and went and bought.... English Muffin, cooked chicken and pineapple cottage cheese... had that with a protein shake... and then for dinner having mashed cauliflower with green beans, chicken thighs, bacon with onion.
Oh, I'm sorry your car was broken into! Having to cancel cards and the whole hassle of it all is just a pain!! Hope you are doing better.