I cannot
believe it is Wednesday already. I feel like I have just come back from London
and instead we are nearly at the weekend again. I am feeling a bit better today
as got on the scales and saw 204lbs which is good. If it keeps on going down
then not far to go to 200 and it could actually be achieved!
night I had a healthy meal of CousCous and fish in a tomato sauce that Biggy
cooked. Very nice. I also halved my portion of CousCous that was originally on
my plate! The only problem is that I am quite hungry today but just going to
focus on the end result!

I am
a little dubious about having it with sweet things but have heard its very good
so guess I will have to pluck up the courage and try it!
good news is that our builder for the flat is actually in all this week, we
thought he was only going to be in for 2 days if that but can actually work all
this week. He was also in for a few days last week. Yay! It could potentially
mean we could be in sooner than we thought! Truly truly can not wait!
Cottage cheese?!? I have yet to get the courage to try it. I think I will have to have it with something sweet. YIKES...here's to trying something new :)