Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Advice Needed

Have to remember my choices are in my control

Ok so this week my weight is defo not working with me and is defo working against me. I got on the scales and am up 1lbs....really really not happy. I just don't know what to do... I have been thinking about it and these are the things I think that have changed:
  1. I have not been watching my portion sizes in the evening
  3. I have not been chewing my food properly
  5. I have been eating too quickly
  7. I have not been listening to my body and stopping when I am full
  9. Because I am eating fruit I am eating when I'm bored
  11. I haven't been leaving food on my plate

Remeber what motivates me
The reason why I think that this is why, is because when I ate a Chinese, pizza, fish and chips and a 4 course meal all in one week I STILL managed to lose weight.. but I eat what I think is healthy I don't .... so I don't think its what I am eating but how much and how I am eating.
This week is going to be hard as I have seemingly gone up a 1lbs and I this weekend is my friends Hen which I am getting so so so excited about but it will involve lots of eating over 2 days... but I still want to see 203lbs on the scales on Monday. So I have allot of hard work to do this week and it is already Wednesday.

When you start to stall on the weight loss what do you do? I am always tempted to do the silly things like Slim Fast and Diet Pills but we all know they don't work on the long term and it's not the kind of loss I want. I just really really don't want to go back up..... I cant buy any new clothes (apart from wedding clothes) until I am 10lbs lighter... so I still have 9.5lbs to go! What should I do?

I can't just blog about not losing weight...I have to do something about it

Need to  focus on the future me.... the SLIM ME...... a little bit of me thinks that I am mentally relaxing as I am so close to losing 20lbs I feel my little devil on my shoulder is saying you have done half the battle...relax... but I haven't done half the battle yet and even if I have done half the battle, its exactly that...HALF.   

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