Monday, 24 December 2012

Weigh In- 24.12.12

196lbs....196lbs......196lbs! I did it...I have reached bang on 14 stone in time for Christmas! I am so so happy and so proud of myself! I now just need to maintain or lose more in time for Jan1st 2013! This year has had some major ups and downs for me in regards to weight and I have been able to open my eyes to so many things. I still have a way to go... and still have many mental things to work on and improve but I know I will get there... This year I have done something I never thought I would be able to do. For the first time in my life I have lost weight and kept it off... but not only I have lost weight I have lost alot of weight... I have lost 26lbs... I started this year at a hefty 222lbs and am now 196lbs... and to top it off this weekend I bought a pair of size 16 jeans...not the size 18/20 that I was having to buy at the start of the year.
I can achieve my goals, I will beat the demons, I am starting to slowly fall back in love with my body and myself.
My next post will be 31st of Dec 2012... Weigh In.... but lastly have a great Christmas everybody and THANK YOU ALL from the bottom of my heart as I truly believe that blogging has been the thing to keep me on the straight and narrow and without your support I wouldn't have been able to achieve the 26lbs loss....

Friday, 21 December 2012

Being Honest With Biggy

A few days ago Biggy and were talking about bedroom activities and he was saying how sometimes he feels that I don't enjoy the activities or only agree as I know he wants to. He asked me if I was still attracted to him... this broke my heart as I think he is the sexiest man alive and every day can not believe that I am so lucky to have him in my life. To be honest it really upset me as I didn't want him thinking that at last night I spoke to him and I explained what was going on in my head which beive me took alot of courage as a) ihad to say what goes on in my head out loud and b) I don't wnat to sound crazy!

I explained that sometimes I do not appear to be enthusiastic as I don't believe that he can really find me attractive as I am so overweight. I explained that I shy away from him as I worry he may be repulsed by my body and that I don't feel sexy at all. I think that he looks at my naked body and judges it and he simply MUST be thinking things in his head about how awful I look. I explained to him that my biggest worry is that he will leave me for thinner and prettier girls. I know that none of this is true...I know that he loves me regardless of my body and I know he finds me really attractive he said he finds me even more attractive now even compared to when we first met. He said how I have lost weight and should feel proud... but I don't. I know alot of things I know he loves me, I know he won't cheat on me with thinner people, I know I have lost weight... but I don't believe it...I can't see the difference in my body. I don't believe I am sexy and I don't believe he can really be attracted to ME! This is something I really really need to fix as I bully myself with thoughts and beliefs and end up believing them. I don't want Biggy to feel unloved or as though I am not attracted to him because of my crazy thoughts... This is where my heart and head have different ideas... I know my thoughts are crazy and although I know all of this I still keep on bullying myself. I know I have to fight it, I have to fight the thoughts that run through my mind every time I catch a reflection of myself. I know that realistically this is actually the hardest battle to win as it's all up to me... I can't go to the gym to help and eating fruit won't make any difference as even when I get to my goal weight...if I can't see the difference and be happy in myself what's the point of it all?

So it starts here:
  • I have lost bang on 25lbs and kept it off....or 11 kilos or 1stone and 10lbs.
  • 25lbs is the same as just over 7 standard bags of flour.
  • I am 1lb away from being at my goal weight for New Year.. yes that's right scales today read 197lbs.
  • Today I bought a Size 16 pair of jeans... in February this year I bought a size 20.
  • I love my face and my big eyes.
  • I have a booty that people have surgery to get.
  • I have a tiny waist that looks great
  • My twins are pert, round and are sexy.
  • I do more exercise on a regular basis now than I have done since I was 18.
  • I have a man that loves me and finds me very sexy.
  • When people look at me in the street they are not looking because I am fat and ugly but instead because they think I am attractive.
  • With every day that comes and goes my body is improving to be in the best shape it has ever been.
  • When other people pay me a compliment it is because they REALLY think it.
  • There is somebody out there that wants to be my size and have my figure.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Guilt....But Also Every Cloud

Sorry for not being able to post yesterday I had a HECTIC day.....Yesterday to be honest was a mix of really good and really bad...

Here are the few things I did so so so wrong yesterday...straight up no lying....

I ate 18 points worth of Fudge
I ate a meal portion of leftovers as a snack
I ate far to many pringles
I drank wine

Ok so firstly it all started with a  little trip to Lidll.... if anybody goes (and if you don't you should as they have so many good things that you can't buy in big chain supermarkets) anyway they have the most divine's not the cheap sweet kind but the proper crumble in your mouth kind. It is AMAZING. I bought some for my brother and parents and although I knew I shouldn't do it I picked up a pack for myself as well... then I opened it... then I ate 10 minutes flat. I worked out the points after and I knew it wasn't going to be good... anything that is ALL BUTTER FUDGE is not going to be worked out to be 18 points. So that was my first whoops.

Then when I got home and was waiting for Biggy I was hungry ( I didn't have any lunch because of the huge amount of fudge) and saw the left over pasta and chicken from last night, I thought oh I will just have a forkfull then before I knew it I had taken the dish out of the fridge and was sitting on the couch with it on my lap and ate the whole thing. It was a small dinner portion but alot bigger than a snack.

Then when Biggy got back I had set up a little romantic welcome for him with some wine and pringles to enjoy while we relaxed in the bath... well I was alone for  a bit longer than I expected and ate quite a few of the pringles... why is it so true that once you pop you can't stop. There really must be some kind of drug or something in them...anyway that's how I ended up having pringles and wine.

HOWEVER... the good news is that I went to the gym yesterday as planned and I did a solid 50 minute workout on the cross trainer then followed by toning exercises and do you know what... I loved it. I loved sweating out all the wine from the previous night I loved  seeing the time on the clock get more and more and when I passed the 30 minute mark which is where I normally stop and kept going instead I absolutely LOVED IT. I am going to the gym again tonight and tomorrow night and will do 50 minutes again as a) I can and b)I  need to work out the fudge!

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Have To Share This Recipe With You

Last night I had a friend over for dinner which was lovely and I didn't really know what to cook which could be healthy as I didn't want to serve a big meal as she is staying with me and tonight we have another one of our friend's coming over and we are having quite a big meal with a fair amount of carbs... I decided to cook this meal which is so easy to do and so low in points it's crazy.

I don't know what it's called but all you need is a few eggs, chopped canned tomatoes and some veg... I have cooked the dish before and used different veg to this time.. to be honest I look what's in the fridge and go from there.

This is what it will end up looking like:

Firstly turn your oven on to 180 degrees then cut up all your veg and put into a frying pan... ( I had green beans, mushrooms, onion, chilli, peppers and asparagus) cook on a low heat with the canned tomatoes.. you can add any kind of flavouring you want... chili or just herbs. I cook everything for about 30 minutes. and then transfer all the contents into a large oven do want it to be quite large as you want the veg to spread out fairly thinly... then make some holes in the dish pushing the veg out to the sides... a bit like a volcano opening... and break your egg into each hole... I do mine like in the picture so none of the eggs are touching.... then put the dish in the oven and cook for another 20 minutes or until your eggs are the way you want them. Then serve.... I find it best if the eggs are quite well cooked as it's then easier to move the egg out of the dish.
You can put in as many eggs as you want depending on how many you are cooking for or how many eggs you want for each person. This dish is so so easy to cook and is perfect for one person or 5!
In regards to WW points it all depends on a) what veg you use and b) how many eggs you eat. Last night I had one egg and all the veg I used were 0 points BUT I did serve it with a side of rice as my friend isn't on a diet and so wanted to offer something a bit more but the dish doesn't need it. I had the left overs for my lunch today without the rice and my total was 2points for a whole plate full! 
It's perfect as my total before dinner is 9 which leaves me a massive 24 points for dinner to play with... now I will be honest I have already planned my points for tonight and I still use some of my weeklies.... but that is fine as I have calculated wine and garlic bread and tortellini and  bacon and chicken as well as a rich sauce.... so no surprise that I am going over... but I have planned for it and am still a massively in control!!! I am not planning any other heavy meals this week and Biggy has bought some nice looking soups for dinner. I also do not plan on having any wine until Saturday (3 days without drinking) and am going to the gym Wed-Fri....
I really really believe that this week could be the week ... and right in time for Christmas... If  I can get down to 14 stone and then maintain or lose a bit more for New Year I will be truly ecstatic!!!

Monday, 17 December 2012

Weigh In - 17.12.12

Came in at 199lbs (14.3 ST) which is still not great but not bad. I looked at my weight chart and for the last 4 weeks I have been going up and down by 3/4lbs which isn't what I want but I know why and this week am going to be all over it to make sure I don't go wrong and get into better habits.
Went to the gym on Friday evening and burnt another 500 calories which I am very pleased with. I wanted to go to the gym every evening this week but I won't have the chance as I have my best friends coming over tonight and tomorrow night but will still go Wed-Fri.
Still my aim is to reach bang on 196lbs or below in time for New Years and I do realise that it's only 3lbs but realistically when I do loose I am losing 1lbs a week which is still good...and of course it's Christmas and New Years so big occasions to overcome.
I have already planned my points for today and am doing just fine. I have used 3 extra points for wine this evening but am fine with that... I would rather point it in than "pretend" that I am not going to have any when I know I will. Tomorrow night I will be using some of weekly points as well as I am planning quite a carby meal... the meal is easy to cook and doesn't require alot of time in the kitchen..but I am totally prepared for it so that's fine.
Anyway have a great week everybody and keep on losing!

Friday, 14 December 2012

What An Eye Opener

The last few weeks I have been going up and down a few lbs which is very frustrating and not what I want... I know why... I am eating too much and not exercising but I decided to do a bit of investigating and find out exactly where I am going wrong and if it is possible to actually stick to my points...
Do you know what I found.. every day I went over my daily points and so then using my weekly points... I could have easily avoided going over by making such small day I used 8 points by eating chocolates that were being offered around the office... guess how many points I was over for that day... 8! Another day I had a snack of cheese.. I didn't want it.. I didn't need it but I ate it and it carried me over my daily allowance... EVERY DAY is like this. It is really surprising and also really opens my eyes into my own eating habits. Most of the time the things that carry my over are things that I don't need, are snacks or are things I am eating because they are there. I thought I had got my emotional eating under control.. and I do when it comes to actual emotions like when I am happy or sad but I obviously don't have the boredom side of emotional eating under control. Don't get me wrong.. I really enjoy my job but I think it is from sitting at a desk...I really need to a) stop nibbling on things and b) find something else to do when I want a break instead of getting up and going into the kitchen to eat! However I have identified it now and am going to jump on it straight away as this is something that can have a massive impact on my weight loss! I plan to look at my Food Diary every day and write down what I could have avoided and so hopefully be really aware of it which will stop me in advance.



On the up side of things I went to the gym last night which in itself is good but what is even better is that I totally wrestled the little fat devil in me and won. I phoned Biggy last night to ask what we were having for dinner and he had finished early and was already at home.... he suggested that I come straight home and we go to the gym together instead in the morning.. I said yes that it sounds like and excellent plan and can't wait to see him... but then I was thinking I know that we won't go to the gym in the morning and if I go to the gym now it will only take 1 hour of my time... I will still be home in time for dinner and as much as I love spending time with Biggy I really want to get healthy, fit and sexy so when we are together and cuddle up on the couch while watching a film I am not having to hold in my stomach for half the film, or when we cuddle I don't feel like the man because I am so much bigger than him... so I phoned him back and said "Baby...I hope you understand but I really need to go to the gym" and do you know what he said "No the way I got us a Weight Watchers dessert"
Going to the Gym tonight again which means I will have got in my 3 be honest I don't expect a loss this week but I am still celebrating staying positive as I have thought hard about what I am doing wrong and have gone back to working out... as we all know we have to celebrate the non-scale victories when we can! After thinking things through I have decided that my aim is to hit bang on 14 stone/196lbs (or less) by the 1st of January... which would mean that by the new year I would have said good bye to a total of 27lbs, I can start the new year on the right track and at a good weight to easily monitor any losses for the rest of the year.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

I went to the GYM!

OMG... I am knackered this morning. I slept so badly last night...  I went to sleep at 11ish and that was fine but the room was really hot when I went to bed so opened the window a crack...everything was fine until around 3am... our home is quite old and creaks at night.. but last night it sounded like somebody was moving around... I woke up and so did Biggy (well he opened his eyes and closed them again) I on the other hand had to wrestle my imagination and talk myself into realising that a) there wasn't anybody downstairs b) there wasn't a ghost c) there wasn't a poltergeist d) to stop thinking about these things so they didn't go into my dreams. This of course meant that I didn't fall asleep again until some time after 4 and then it was a really broken sleep, where I got cold from the window being open and then had really messed up dreams about ghosts. My eyes are hardly open!
HOWEVER on another note I DID go to the gym last night... I did 30 mins on the cross -trainer followed by 3 minutes on the rowing machine and then some leg exercises. I burnt just under 500 calories which I am quite pleased with.. the cross trainer was good... the day before I put "Khloe and Lamar" on my phone and watched it while working out. It was really good as I was distracted by it so wasn't concentrating on the time I had done and also each episode lasts 22 minutes so when it had finished I didn't have long to go before I had completed my 30 minutes. Also it helped to see somebody that I consider a thinspiration in front of me to keep me going!
Going to the gym again tonight and hope to go on Friday as well... then that's my 3 days done, might still go on Saturday as I really need to start dragging Biggy's skinny arse there as well seeing as we are paying for a joint membership.
My Task today is to not snack in the day... I have don't want to eat anything between Breakfast and Lunch and then only have my mid afternoon snack at 3pm. Feeling like I am slowly starting to get back into it... I just need to go back to the basics...and as my Title says.. It's Not A Diet It's A Way of Life..

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Let's Be Honest

Ok... I am not going on a little holiday... I am hiding... My eating habits are on the rampage at the moment. I haven't gone to the gym recently I am eating all the chocolates that are in the office and I eat nearly all day long... I know why... I am bored... work is really slowing down and I am so desperate for it to be Christmas to have a break, relax and spend time at home. I really really don't want to get into bad habits and REALLY don't want to put weight back on. But if I don't want to put weight on why am I eating so much and not stopping myself? Why do I not have more self control and why aren't I motivated to go to the gym...? The body I want to have won't happen from just healthy eating and seeing as I am not even doing that it really won't happen!  My gym stuff is in my car and every evening I drive past the gym and every evening I have a little debate with myself of whether I should go or not... but every time the "Go home and cuddle up with Biggy" argument wins. Does my head not realise that 60 minutes of my day in the gym will not impact my cuddle time with Biggy???
WHY OH WHY COULDN'T I HAVE BEEN BORN THIN???? I am so tired of constantly fighting and using food as a crutch... it's so boring and frustrating. Aghhhhhhhh..... I know the answer is to suck it up, show my restraint and just get on with it and go to the gym... so that is what I have to do. Not on Monday, or tomorrow but right NOW. I promise that tonight I will go to the gym and also promise that I will read my self help book for a bit of helping hand to get back into those healthy habits. I have to.. I don't have a choice.


Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Going on Holiday

Dear All,

Just a quick note.... I am not leaving.. I am just going on a little holiday. feeling like I need a break. I can not wait for Christmas and can not wait to have a few days rest... seeing as we still have 13 more days to go I am going to take a little leave of my blog. Will be back for Monday Weigh In... Promise.

Till then... stay on track!


Monday, 10 December 2012

Monday Weigh In - 10.12.12

Ok... no surprise...last week was horrendous with eating... So I am up to 201lbs (14st5)...back into the 200's... am I upset.. yes... am I I look a fool for every other week writing the same post of how next week will be better then doing better but then having a gain again...yes... BUT do you understand... you empathise.. I would hope so... is it going to throw me off my path ... no.... am I still in control ...yes... do I understand why I put on weight.... yes.
Last week was really bad for some reason I just ate and drank like it was going out of fashion... I know the mistakes I made and I know where the lbs came from. Friday was probably my worst day... we had Biggy's Xmas party in the evening and instead of being really good in the day I ate chocolates a mammoth sandwich..lots of canapes followed by a 3 course meal and lots of wine... then of course on Saturday along with a hangover came the hangover binge with lots of carbs and non stop eating...
 So that damned 14 stone mark is still there and I still haven't hit it... but I will... just you wait and see! Here are a few photos from the weekend... they are photos of photos so not the best quality and as you can see we are both looking a bit drunk!!

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Xmas Party Tomorrow

Sorry for not posting be honest I just didn't have much to say!  I went to the Gym on Tuesday and it was quite hard work to be honest... I was defo sweating out all the wine from the night before.. I managed to do 20 minutes on the cross trainer which isn't great seeing as I did 30 minutes the last time I went no problems...but I guess that is what wine does to you! I was very proud of myself in the evening though... Biggy offered me a glass of vino and I just said no... even though he had one I sat next to him and had a very nice glass of water!
This however was not the case yesterday...he offered me a glass and to be honest I had had a shitty day... nothing bad but just a bit mundane so I said yes and then a bottle later (between 2) I finished with a Baileys and a piece of cake. Sigh...
Not drinking tonight and going to the gym this evening... yesterday was my cleaning day so spent 1hr cleaning the house top to bottom.

Tomorrow evening is Biggy's Xmas party which I am really looking forward to but it is a 4 course meal and there will be lots of wine... I am going to try to be good and actually really limit my wine as a) I don't want to drink alot because of points and b) don't want to be drunk at his office party!
I am actually really annoyed with myself for yesterday and Monday as I knew I was going to this big party tomorrow but instead of future planing I have potentially ruined the week and will have a gain again! Not what I want and not what I need. I had soup for lunch today and will just have a salad for lunch tomorrow, will also try and compensate for the week over the weekend but we will see. If I do have a gain then all I can do is draw a line and do better next week.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

What a load of Vino

Made the mistake last night of drinking quite a bit of red wine... I was all ready to stop after 2 glasses but then Biggy suggested we open another bottle...needless to say that one got finished. I wish it was all Biggy's fault but sadly I was the one topping up my glass...The trouble with drinking is that then so many of your plans are put in jeopardy. Biggy made a cake last night and I had a small slice but a few glasses down out came the second helpings...and then this morning I woke up not feeling great (surprise surprise) and 2 hours after breakfast I was putting two slices of Nimble bread in the toaster and then covered them with Lurpack light body was just calling out for rubbish food..why does that happen??WHY?
For Lunch I have been really good and had a massive plateful of veg with some left over noodles from last night... lunch was a total of 7 points including dessert! When I went to buy the veg I had a look down the chocolate aisle and picked up a few things but then shock horror turned around and put them back... so not all is lost!
Going to the gym tonight... I have my kit in the car and am looking forward to sweating out the red wine... not drinking until Friday...for real.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Weigh In - 03.12.12

OMG......Happy Christmas everybody!!! It's December so I am allowed to say that now! Weigh In today was very good... down to 198lbs... which is 14stone2lbs... I would absolutely LOVE to see 14 stone on the scales next week and would also LOVE to be in the 13 stone bracket before Xmas. After my gain from the previous week I did try and be good and although I had a few slip ups I stayed on track most days... but I think what I am slowly realising and hopefully what is changing is that I am not "missing out" by not eating certain foods.. I am not looking back and going I really wish I had that Chocolate or I wish I had had the second when I Weigh In I am really pleased and don't feel like I have really had to give up alot to lose the weight...but when I don't lose weight I do massively regret having the second helpings or the bigger dinners. Food has always been a pleasure and a treat for me and it can still be that way but I don't have to eat like I am going to be "missing out" on something if I don't have the 2nd helping or that little snack in the middle of the afternoon! I have been doing Weight Watchers now for 5 weeks and have lost 8lbs... there is nothing in the past 5 weeks that I regret not eating.
Weekend was really good, went to the Abba concert Friday evening and that was fab... I couldn't go to the gym that night as we went straight out but I danced nearly the whole way through the concert so probably burnt my dinner off!! Then we were supposed to be putting our Xmas decorations up on Saturday but we bought things for the flat instead...we still haven't fully finished decorating it yet and want to have it all done my Christmas so we have rescheduled putting our Xmas decorations up for next weekend. One thing we ordered yesterday which I am so excited about is a Chaise Longue... here is a picture of ours...
I can't wait for it to arrive..should be with us in 14 days so just in time for Christmas! 
Then on Sunday spent the day with my family which was nice...I don't have the best realtionship with my brother but we were pleasant enough to each other and it was great to spend time with my two little nieces.
Anyway...have a good week everybody and this time next week I will be telling you that I am now 14 stone or less!!

Friday, 30 November 2012


Last night I went to the gym....and do you know what it made me feel great...I did half an hour on the treadmill...not much but it was good. I burned 400 calories and left feeling really good. I got home about 10 minutes after Biggy which is great as's so funny as it just makes me think why do I always forget that going to the gym makes me feel good and energised and positive..why do I look at it as that awful monster? It was totally fine going after work and actually was nice as I could work out all the frustrations of the day and after a day of sitting in front of a computer I felt like I was blowing away all the days cobwebs..

Here are a few photos as proof that I actually went...The area that I really want to work on is that middle area...just below where my hand is...I look as though I am about 3 months pregnant and am waiting for somebody to ask when am I due!!!

Today is proving to be a good day..I am going out for dinner tonight as we are going to the Theatre to see a Christmas show of Abba (Can't wait!) Anyway I have allocated my points and am sticking within my daily allowance... I know what I am eating at Zizi (One of their skinny pizzas which they say is under 550 calories although  it still adds up to 15 points..go figure) and have 5 points still for a glass of wine as well as a few weekly points kicking around..

This afternoon I also did a bit of shopping in my lunch break... I bought a black shirt, not very exciting but very useful for outfits as well as a really nice jumper from H&M.. I ALSO popped into Superdrug as they are having a 3 for 2 on all cosmetics so I topped up on a few things I needed...

What do you think of my outfit? I know in one of the photos I look really miserable but this actually how my mouth falls naturally! Promise!

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Feeling a Bit Blah

Not really feeling it today... just feeling a bit down... I don't know why...just feeling like I am failing at the moment.. I was doing so well for the first few weeks and now this week and last week I can see mistakes being's like I am trying to self sabotage my efforts. I think some of it is because money has been very very tight the last 2 weeks so instead of being able to cook dinners that are full of veg it has been more of the case of looking in the fridge and looking in the shelves and saying what can I put makes a huge difference to points when you cook with just veg or more veg rather than pasta and rice....
I didn't go to the gym last night as after having put the rota together if I had gone last night then I wouldn't have gone this evening... I did do 1 hours housework though...
I think alot of my feelings is probably self guilt... I know I haven't gone to the gym since last Wednesday... I know I have made some stupid decisions food wise.... I know that I am looking at food to make me feel better when in actual fact it is the problem....
However I also know that this mood will pass....I know I am going to the gym tonight....even if I don't lose weight this week because of stupid decisions i know it doesn't mean that next week will be the same...I know where I can improve...I know I will get to my goal
Anyway...until tomorrow....

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Half Way Through The Week ALREADY!

OMG....where is this week going? I am writing off yesterday...what a rubbish day for food and exercise! I pointed everything though so there are some good things happening! I didn't go to my gym class last night... I just wanted to go home and relax... I think the cold weather and dark mornings and nights aren't really helping as all it makes you do is want to go home and cuddle up into bed with a good film.
I was thinking about it last night though and have decided that I should go to the gym in the evenings...Biggy doesn't normally get home until 7.30ish and I can normally get to the gym by 6.15 so that leaves me 45minutes to go to the gym and do some exercise... I actually have to drive past my gym on the way home so I am not going out of my way at all or anything... my new plan will be this:
Monday: Swimming in the PM
Tuesday: Gym in the PM (Clannetics class)
Thurs: Gym in the PM (Cross Trainer or Running)
Fri: Swimming in the AM
Sat: Gym in the AM (Running) with Biggy followed by Sauna and Steam Room
Sun: Rest
I get a rest half way through the week..only have one early morning and run twice a week and swim twice a week...I think that this seems like a good plan...especially as I really do drive past the gym every night so I truly truly do not have any excuses!!!
Today has been really good food wise...still have about 14 points left for dinner which is more than enough and I have all my gym stuff in my car ready and waiting to go! I got on the scales this morning (I know I shouldn't) and the scale isn't moving's not moving up but it's just a little too close to being 14 and half stone for my liking especially seeing as I was so close to being 14 stone!

I will tweet proof while at the gym so you can see I have actually gone this evening!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Biscuits... You are my downfall!

Yesterday went really well in regards to eating. I had a soup for lunch and didn't snack at all. It was a really good day. The only thing I would say is that after the soup I was really craving something quite sweet ... so today I went out to get a roll for my soup and also got some Weight Watchers yogurts and some Weight Watchers Digestive Biscuits....What a mistakea to makea!
This Is What I Hope Heaven Looks Like
Now I can resist chocolate quite easily and if I have one I am ok with really restraining myself....but biscuits... they are my weakness....they are my crunchy red apple... they are my love...they are my DOWNFALL. I was only planning on having 2...then 4...then 6 in the end I actually just opened the whole packet and passed them around the office so they were eaten. What an idiot! Last Xmas in my old office, people kept on buying us biscuits and I put on so much weight from them as I just can't say no! It is something I really need to watch and be aware of...

To be honest I am really annoyed with myself for eating 6 biscuits... I wasn't even hungry. It also means that I have used all my points for the day and I still have to have dinner...did I leave my brain in bed this morning?!  I really need to refocus again as well, yesterday I didn't go swimming in the morning and am just generally being a bit lazy...which is ridiculous as I am close to getting to that 14 stone mark and am really eager to get to the final result now!

Final Result Inspiration
But I also think that is half my problem... I am the kind of person that needs a fast result otherwise I get bored and demotivated. Perhaps because I am looking at the final goal alot at the moment I am forgetting the little goals and we all know without the little goals we won't hit the big goal...

Monday, 26 November 2012

Weigh In - 26.11.12

A little disappointed... have put on am seeing 200lbs on the scale...BUT instead of beating myself up about it I am looking back to see why:

1) Feel like I drunk alot more wine
2) Evening meals have been heavier and bigger
3) I have eaten more meat in the evenings
4) Went to my parents for dinner and had a fully blown meal
5) Made some bad choices this weekend...Hello Pringles!

So this week I am back to being really good and going to do all I can to stick to my points... I have noticed that since doing WW I haven't managed to do one week of keeping in line with them. I do log everything and am really honest but every week there is always something that blows my points out of the water. I had originally said that I was going to keep my Weekly Points for wine but then when a big dinner turns up I don't have the points I need. So I think I will keep 10 points for wine and use the rest for big dinners and things.
On a good note I tried on a  top at the weekend that I wasn't sure I was going to fit into. It's a really nice lacy type blouse and the sleeves have buttons going around the upper arms (normally a big no no). Last time I tried it on I had to undo the buttons as it was so tight and the top wouldn't go around my bust. This time I could fit 2 fingers in between the blouse around my arms and top is almost on the big side for me... all the buttons did up no problemos.
Anyway determined to have a good week as am desperate to see 14 stone on the scales and even more determined to see 13 stone something!!!
Have a great week everybody!

Saturday, 24 November 2012

New Jeans

I didn't have the chance to blog yesterday so thought I would do a catch up post. Firstly a little update on the diet side of things...I have been keeping an eye on the scales during the week (never a good idea) and so far no movement.  I am trying to not let it get me down but am also trying to figure out why...2 things have popped  into my head..I have been eating heavier meals in the evening compared to last week and I feel like I have drunk alot more. Two nights in a row I have eaten heavy meals  last night I went over to my parents for dinner so had a very nice 3 course meal and the night before I had pasta quite late and might have had a 2nd helping! Anyway if there is no loss this week then there is no loss but I will have to adjust things to stay on track and do better next week...BUT I will not be standing on the scales during the week...I don't think it's a very good idea at all.

Anyhooooo....on to the exciting part. As you all know Biggy made a comment about how I always wear the same jeans (which I agree with) and after seeing the photos of me the other day and just how pear shaped I am and as I am changing my image and dressing better I decided that I was going to go and get some new jeans. I didn't want to get anything expensive as hopefully they will be too big in a few months..I went to H&M and looked at their denim area and was sorely disappointed as the only jeans they had in the whole shop were skinny or super skinny...I realise that I can only wear skinny (at the moment) if I am wearing boots as otherwise I truly truly look like a pear and my hips look giant. I asked one of the people that work there if I was just being stupid but no all they had was skinny and super skinny... I was like but what about all the other people who don't want to/can't wear skinny...I think it's crazy as so many women in the UK don't dress to their shape and half me thinks it's because we don't know how but then I realise it's not going to help when stores only stock clothes that suit thin people and so forcing  strongly pushing people into a fashion that might not actually suit them... High Street it's time you SHAPED UP (do you see what I did!!)

After being quite annoyed by that I went into New Look and looked at their jeans and to be honest again wasn't that impressed as the large majority of their jeans were also skinny..they did have a pair for £9.99 (so cheap) that I tried on but they were too short (I find a lot of their jeans are to short for me)  looked like they really were £9.99 and I wasn't overly overcome with the colour.

I was in a bit of state but then I thought wait..think...the jeans I love and wear all the time and still look brand new...where are they from....M&S...right go there. So I did..and you  know what as much as it may be "un-cool" to buy jeans from M&S I found a really nice pair that look good quality, are long enough, have a good traditional denim colour,are not skinny or super skinny or even super super skinny and fit really well..and all for the price of .......drum roll please....£12.99! They are straight leg and size 18...but what's even better is that the size 18 went on really easily and if I had had time I might have even tried on a size 16..but for £12.99 I think I can afford another pair in 4 weeks if I feel like they are getting too big.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

FitSwap needs YOU!

        Click here --------> 204 And Losing It <------------- Click here

I read a blog (I read quite a few) by this lovely lady who has had a ingenious plan.....FitSwap. It is a really good idea and at the moment is still being formed but she is looking for help. The idea behind FitSwap is that it is a free service where people can Swap there old or unused fitness equipment, clothes, DVDs, Books etc... I think it is a great idea as we all know that we buy things and  either get bored of them after a month or so or don't use them at all. Also as our bodies are changing we want to keep up with our image at the gym... I have worn jogging bottoms that have become baggy but then when I am on the running machine I am petrified that they are going to fall down so then spend my whole time trying to pull them up while trying not to fall off the machine! To keep on buying things every few months to either keep us interested in exercise or to keep our dignity intact at the gym is expensive so how good would it be if once a month you could go somewhere where you can take your old things and swap them for new things...?
Denise, from 204 And Losing It,  lives in the USA and so is looking for support there but is also interested in getting something going in the UK as well. She did ask me if I wanted to give it a go organising it but unfortunately I can not commit to setting it up at the moment and I know that with these things you need to give it your all or it won't be done properly. So is there anyone else out there that can a) give support or get involved in the USA and b) interested in setting one up in the UK or anywhere else in Europe for that matter!! ( Idea behind FitSwap )
Please do go and look at her blog and get in contact with her if you think you can help out!
Very quickly on a side note... I am now on Pintrest and am LOVING IT... check me out here... My Pintrest 

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Why does a photo always look so different?

Does anybody else have a very different image of themselves in their head compared to the image you see in a photo? I do... very rarely do I like photos of me or do I think the photo looks that much like me. I have a different image in my head yes but also the reflection I have in the mirror is quite different to the image I see in photos. I think because I am moving around in the mirror rather than standing totally still looking like a lemon! Anyway ... here are my updated photos. My friend that took them said I was looking different which is good.



It always makes me laugh how incredibly pear shaped I am! But I am on the way to making those hips reduce in roundness! I also think I need to change my pose as having my legs together and hands on the lower hip doesn't really flatter me in the right places! Need to study the red carpet a bit and see what all the pros do!
Last night had a really good night.. Had my callanetics class which was really good and the teacher really pushed me... I can really feel it in my legs today! Then went home had a healthy dinner of couscous, pepper, onion, spinach and 2% Fat Probiotic yogurt washed down by the a not so healthy but very yummy glass of red wine. Then it was time to get the epilator out ... oh the pain... the last few weeks I had been really lazy and shaved my legs...I could not believe the difference a few weeks of shaving makes! Will defo not be using the razor again!! Then I did my nails I filed them down as I want to have a square shape and painted them...I love painting them but what I don't enjoy  is that within 24 hours they are already chipped! After the nails were dry I then treated myself to a nice face mask before going up to bed and falling asleep listening to the rain (corny I know)!
This morning I was up early and into the pool.... to be honest I am very pleased with myself for sticking to my routine this week and so far I have stuck to my daily allowance with my Points ...I know it's only been 2 days but still!