New Jeans
I didn't have the chance to blog yesterday so thought I would do a catch up post. Firstly a little update on the diet side of things...I have been keeping an eye on the scales during the week (never a good idea) and so far no movement. I am trying to not let it get me down but am also trying to figure out why...2 things have popped into my head..I have been eating heavier meals in the evening compared to last week and I feel like I have drunk alot more. Two nights in a row I have eaten heavy meals last night I went over to my parents for dinner so had a very nice 3 course meal and the night before I had pasta quite late and might have had a 2nd helping! Anyway if there is no loss this week then there is no loss but I will have to adjust things to stay on track and do better next week...BUT I will not be standing on the scales during the week...I don't think it's a very good idea at all.
Anyhooooo....on to the exciting part. As you all know Biggy made a comment about how I always wear the same jeans (which I agree with) and after seeing the photos of me the other day and just how pear shaped I am and as I am changing my image and dressing better I decided that I was going to go and get some new jeans. I didn't want to get anything expensive as hopefully they will be too big in a few months..I went to H&M and looked at their denim area and was sorely disappointed as the only jeans they had in the whole shop were skinny or super skinny...I realise that I can only wear skinny (at the moment) if I am wearing boots as otherwise I truly truly look like a pear and my hips look giant. I asked one of the people that work there if I was just being stupid but no all they had was skinny and super skinny... I was like but what about all the other people who don't want to/can't wear skinny...I think it's crazy as so many women in the UK don't dress to their shape and half me thinks it's because we don't know how but then I realise it's not going to help when stores only stock clothes that suit thin people and so forcing strongly pushing people into a fashion that might not actually suit them... High Street it's time you SHAPED UP (do you see what I did!!)
After being quite annoyed by that I went into New Look and looked at their jeans and to be honest again wasn't that impressed as the large majority of their jeans were also skinny..they did have a pair for £9.99 (so cheap) that I tried on but they were too short (I find a lot of their jeans are to short for me) looked like they really were £9.99 and I wasn't overly overcome with the colour.
I was in a bit of state but then I thought wait..think...the jeans I love and wear all the time and still look brand new...where are they from....M&S...right go there. So I did..and you know what as much as it may be "un-cool" to buy jeans from M&S I found a really nice pair that look good quality, are long enough, have a good traditional denim colour,are not skinny or super skinny or even super super skinny and fit really well..and all for the price of .......drum roll please....£12.99! They are straight leg and size 18...but what's even better is that the size 18 went on really easily and if I had had time I might have even tried on a size 16..but for £12.99 I think I can afford another pair in 4 weeks if I feel like they are getting too big.
What a bargain! Before I put weight on, I used to love the Oasis bootcut jeans, still have a couple of pairs.Need to get back in those!
ReplyDeleteI am REALLY pleased with them. It' so weird... I always forget about Oasis..defo have to go down there and have a look!