So here we are again...another year older...and 24lbs lighter from a year ago... I had a great birthday but just with far far too much food! I completed all my workouts right up to Saturday which I am very pleased about and I got on the scales on Sunday morning and saw 182lbs which was fine as at the beginning of the week I had seen a gain of about 5lbs so I obviously got rid of all of that which is good...
The whole Birthday was just food filled....starting with an amazing KitKat cake that Biggy made me, it was a) amazing b)ginormous c) covered with KitKat's.... we had half it by Sunday morning... it was so so so good.... I still have the other half in my fridge and so much of me wants to finish it because it really is amazing but then I know I can't have any more badness....

Sunday I went to my brothers house with the family and had a lovely BBQ with lots of food and wine. I have to totally admit.... I didn't hold back. I had lots of sausages, burgers, 2 helpings of banoffee pie and birthday cake and that's after quite a big breakfast of croissant and things... Then on Monday - my actual birthday - I went to the gym for an hour I did an hour on the cross-trainer and it was so hard I could really feel all the food from Sunday, then my Mother took me shopping and we bought me some very nice new clothes...yay...followed by a yummy dinner cooked by my Mother at home. Tuesday I had a really nice day with my cousin and her children and we went shopping again for Flowergirl dresses (bought - one less thing off the wedding list) then home for a very nice picnic of ham rolls, pork pies and pringles with a side of wine.... THEN me, my mother and cousin all went to this amazing hotel near by for a Champagne Cream Tea followed by a massage... I ate so much... there were mini sandwiches, scones with cream and jam and then little cakes as well.... I had a bit of everything... we were home by 6 o'clock and then had a dinner of Lasagna and Macaroni Cheese with bread and salad followed by Homemade Blackberry and Apple Crumble with the rest of the family....
Got on the scales this morning.... and saw... 185lbs.... no surprise there... I am not happy about it but not that upset about it either.... I think the thing that I am most disappointed in is actually myself and my lack of control... I just went crazy over the last four days as I had given myself permission to not count calories and eat what I goes to show that although I have re-educated myself and have a huge lot more self-control...that fat person is still in me and I haven't truly reformed... When I was eating I was enjoying every mouthful and it was making me happy inside...and what's worse is that I had 2nd portions as I knew that I would be back to being good after... but I guess if for 4 days of the year I heavily indulge and then watch what I eat the rest of the time it's not going to kill me...
The good news is that I was back to work this morning.. was up nice and early and in the gym for my 30min straight run... and this time I actually upped my speed about half way through... the last week or so I have been running at 4.2 an hour and today I went up to 4.5 which I know isn't an increase of much but it's an increase and I completed the 30 mins feeling amazing... I know that I am supposed to be doing my routine for cardio and weights but because my routine is out of whack due to missing the gym yesterday I am going to run today, tomorrow and Friday and then do a mix on Saturday and back to normal on Monday. I know weights are so so good for toning but I think running will help move this excess weight a bit more...
I've been a little off my game as well. I wish I could run, I've just been walking. I'm trying to work my way up to being able to run... I'm trying but I'm so out of shape I can barly just run 1 I've been trying to alternate running 1 minute as long as I can stand them in between periods of walking. It's such a job, but its the only way! I'm sure you'll be down those few pounds in no time!