Thursday, 23 May 2013


Well I have to say I am feeling just so in the Zone at the moment and am totally loving it. I have been going to the gym when I am supposed to and have fought off the demon that says "Oh just stay in bed" every does make me laugh that I have the same debate with myself EVERY morning and every morning it wins for about 30 seconds and I lie back down but then I think "If  I don't go to the gym I am not going to get the body I want" and that's it... I'm up and out of the bed and in the gym by 6.30am! Also what is great is that I am actually enjoying the gym, the other day while running I actually was enjoying it... it was a very weird moment for me! 

I am also doing really well with my Fitbit and hitting my targets every day. They are harder to hit on Tuesday's and Thursday's as they are my toning days at the gym so don't take so many steps in the morning to set me up for the day but then last Tuesday I got home and had myself a dance party around the house to make sure I hit the 10k step mark! Calorie wise I have been doing well and keeping in my limit, even when I have a small blip ( someone opened a biscuit tin yesterday) I make sure I counteract it by adjusting my dinner to still keep in target. 

Then today I am having just such a good self-image day. I have caught my reflection in the mirror and thought...gosh.. is that me... I look quite good... I don't look fat hips are looking alot smaller and my waist is looking trimmer... I think alot of this is coming from the knowledge that I have gone to the gym and am actually being active, it makes me notice my body as it's sore and tired and being used and toned up and it does make me feel really good to have that knowledge..

I really feel that I have hit a path in my life where this is going to stick, I am enjoying the gym in the morning, I am actually knowing how many calories I am burning during the day and so can stick to my limit with a much stronger knowledge that I really am below my limit and where and when I need to I can just so easly adjust it. Going to the gym has resulted in good moods which has then resulted in me eating better as I don't want to ruin the hard work I have done... So yes...all in all... I am feeling pretty damn good.... long may it last! 

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