Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Style Re-Vamp

So I am getting quite excited as next weekend (9th) I am having a wardrobe re-vamp! Whoop whoop. I am meeting with one of my best friends and we are hitting the shops to give me a re-vamp. As we all know I am so tired of all my clothes and am desperate to change my style...instead of waiting for 6 months when I have lost all the weight I want I am having a mini revamp now. I am only buying 10 items or so but they will be core items that I am happy in. All of them will be from cheap-ish shops so I don't panic when they become to big. I have asked my friend to come along as that way she can advise me and stop me from buying clothes that are my old style or don't really suit me. The aim will be to buy things that will go with all the other items so I can literally put anything on and feel good and look good. I would rather have just 10 times in my whole wardrobe but love each one of them than have 30-40 (like I do now) and feel like I have nothing to wear. My first job will be to start going through my wardrobe and having another sort out, charity shops here I come! The shops we will be hitting will be places like:

I actually really love this shop. It's a bit like a treasure trove, sometimes you go in and you don't find that much and other times I just want to buy the whole shop. I think they do quite a smart preppy look and are always following the catwalk which is good for me! The other thing I like is that they do their normal line and then a  Et-Vous line which is slightly more expensive but really nice. The one bad thing is that they don't do my shoe size (8) in store which is a right pain as they do quite nice shoes!

I really like H&M, compared to the rest of the high street I think they do really good basics that are fashionable, bright and fresh. My burgundy pumps were from H&M and I am totally in love with them. The one thing I would say is that you do have to have a route around as some things are a little wacky but in general I love it, cheap prices, good quality and good image. The one negative thing is that they don't do my trouser size (at the moment) although I am a size 16 now their 16 is too small for me. 

Now I think New Look have their ups and downs. sometimes I go in and I think everything looks a bit crap and has a bit of a teenage style but other times ( like at the moment) you can go in and find lots of things. My new skinny jeans are from there and they are my new favorite item, especially as they come with a fantastic price tag! They have some really nice jumpers in their at the moment as well as some great little shoes I want to buy. I also find that New Look cater for all different shapes and sizes which is good for me however the quality isn't always the best. I bought a long black dress from them a week or so ago and already the stitching is coming out... it was £15 though so what can you expect.


  1. You're going to have so much fun! I would really love to get some new items as a lot of my stuff are getting too big, but I'm just cinching dresses in with a belt, and I have bought a smaller pair of jeans, so I'm just going with the floaty top look. And oversized cardigans too! Unfortunately I can't justify buying loads of clothes that will hopefully not fit for too long!

    1. I can't wait! I do feel a little bad about buying the clothes but I will get a good 6 month wear out of them I would have thought and all the clothes I have at the moment make me feel so awful and make me literally cry when I have to go out but don't like anything I have and it all makes me feel incredibly fat. I see it as more as an investment ... hopefully so will my bank manager!

  2. Last September I vowed never to buy clothes again til I'd lost the weight I wanted. Then I had nothing that fitted so bought a few keys pieces (indigo stretch skinny jeans, black work trousers, 2 tops for casual or work) and felt amazing. They fitted and looked good and motivated me to stick at the diet more than the dismal feeling of everything feeling tight.

    Caroline x
