Happy Valentines everybody!
My new found love at the moment is Prune Juice... I bought some the other day and not only does it clean your system out big style it is also tastes yummy and really really fills you up! I find it fairly sweet so I have been mixing it with Diet Tonic water and it makes it taste perfect. I am planning on having a glass of it in the morning when I wake up and also a glass just before diner. I can not explain actually how filling it really seems to be. When I had some last night I was then feeling really full, so when it came to dinner I only had a small portion... perfect! It also really does clean out your system properly and so in that sense is great for helping with weight loss... I am not saying drink a whole liter of it in one go or anything but I think if you drink it regularly it might help!
Health wise this week I am feeling really good, I am eating healthily and going to the gym and in general feeling really in control. I am hoping that I have had a bit of a light bulb moment .. I feel like I have... it's the simple understanding that if I eat healthy things my body will be healthy and I will lose weight...I know that sounds so simple and obvious but I feel like it has just been a bit of a light-bulb moment... all the chocolate and unhealthy food just aren't worth the gain on the scales or the constant going backwards and forwards for months on end.

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