Happy Valentines everybody!
My new found love at the moment is Prune Juice... I bought some the other day and not only does it clean your system out big style it is also tastes yummy and really really fills you up! I find it fairly sweet so I have been mixing it with Diet Tonic water and it makes it taste perfect. I am planning on having a glass of it in the morning when I wake up and also a glass just before diner. I can not explain actually how filling it really seems to be. When I had some last night I was then feeling really full, so when it came to dinner I only had a small portion... perfect! It also really does clean out your system properly and so in that sense is great for helping with weight loss... I am not saying drink a whole liter of it in one go or anything but I think if you drink it regularly it might help!
Health wise this week I am feeling really good, I am eating healthily and going to the gym and in general feeling really in control. I am hoping that I have had a bit of a light bulb moment .. I feel like I have... it's the simple understanding that if I eat healthy things my body will be healthy and I will lose weight...I know that sounds so simple and obvious but I feel like it has just been a bit of a light-bulb moment... all the chocolate and unhealthy food just aren't worth the gain on the scales or the constant going backwards and forwards for months on end.
Also in regards to constant thinking and over analyzing I got a couple of books out from the library and started reading them.. one was about "Loving YOU" and the other was "Why Do Women Over Think?"... now the "Why Do Women.." was OK and made some valid points... but to be honest I couldn't be bothered to read all of it... and it was only when I read the "Loving YOU" one did I lose the plot. It was such a load of crap... but I did take one thing from it... if you don't make time to love yourself you will always be unhappy with yourself. So I defiantly do want to take more care of my body from healthy eating and going to the gym to doing my nails and taking care of my hair regularly. As we all know when you feel good you take better care of yourself....I also realized that I just really need to calm down.. I have a great life with a sexy boyfriend that finds me incredibly sexy, I have good friends, a good job know where I am heading and really need to stop thinking so much.... if there was a problem somebody would tell me. Work would say if I wasn't doing a good job, my friends would tell me if i was acting like an idiot, Biggy would tell me if I had done something wrong so unless that happens... I really have nothing to worry about... I just need to think about being healthy and loving myself...that's it!
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