I went to the gym on Monday and Tuesday and had a really good workout... to the extent that I was actually really enjoying it! I have been doing 45 minutes on the elliptical trainer followed by some core toning exercises. I am loving the fact that at the moment I am enjoying the gym and enjoying the workout. It makes such a difference compared to dreading going! I am pushing myself harder at the moment as well, the last few weeks when I had been doing the elliptical I was sweating but wasn't to out of breath by the end of it. I was doing 30 mins on level 5/6 and am now doing level 9/10 and doing 45/40 minutes...I am definitely sweating more and am out of breath a lot more by the end of it!
Food wise I have done really well over the last 2 days...when I put in my stats onto MFP I said that I wanted to lose 1.5lbs a week so it put me onto a calorie limit of 1330 a day... I was fine with this until I watched "Supersize v's Superskinny" last night (love it) Dr Christian was talking to this guy who ate on average 1300 calories a day and the Dr said how that it was the same amount as a 6 year old boy... so I decided to up my calorie limit to 1500 a day which should allow me to lose just over a 1lb a week. Also had a bit of an empowering moment today ... I picked up some Ryvita to go with my lunch and loved the fact that I could look at all the packets and straight away compare calories. It made me feel a lot more in control rather than just hoping they will be low in points. It was a very good feeling!
Also I am thinking of shaking up my blog a little...traditionally this has been a blog about weight loss and I want to continue that theme but I also want to include a bit more about the other passions in my life and talk more in general about me (how narcissistic does that sound!) I think it's very easy to let weight loss consume you and I know it is a topic I talk about alot to my friends. It's almost like I have replaced a food addiction to a weight loss addiction! So be prepared to find out more about me....
Great job! I definitely advocate bumping your calories up a bit, even if that does mean slower weight loss- slow and steady wins the race, plus it makes sure your body is properly nourished, so that you can kick arse at the gym!