Ok, now occasionally I ask my colleague at work to take my photo for me as obviously I can not do it myself without a large mirror and bless her cotton socks she never ever manages to take one in focus or where something isn't quite right with it! Here are 2 photos of me at the moment at 206.6lbs.
Now I cant really see a difference from when I started but I know there is one as I am 17lbs down *not the 20lbs from a month or so ago : ( * Also that is not fake tan it is real from being in Spain!! Today is going well in regards to eating and such. I didn't go to the gym this morning as to be honest I just didn't want to. I know that is not great but I am alone in the house at the moment as Biggy is out on training and it is hard to motivate yourself when you are all alone! I have pledged to go swimming three times a week so will be going on Friday morning and I know Biggy and I will go to the gym at some point over the weekend so I am not too worried about it. Also do you know what ...I am feeling really good about being back on the good habits and getting back to seeing the scales go down. I am finding it quite easy to keep in my calorie limit and not snacking in between meals. Also I did have a slight revelation while on holiday about dinner. I realised that dinner is totally the worst time to eat your main meal. Now I know to many you will be going *well duh* but all of a sudden it clicked for me.
We all "Go out for Dinner" and when friends come over they "come for dinner" but this is actually the worst time to eat the higher calorie, richer fattier foods as you can't burn them off. I know that you burn calories in your sleep but if you ate that meal for lunch it would be so much better for you. I am not saying that from now on I am going to have a 3 course meal for lunch or start inviting people over for lunch all the time but I am watching alot more what I am eating at dinner especially as Biggy and I really enjoy eating together and normally have a bigger meal at dinner.
On another note what do you think of my outfit? While Biggy is away I thought I would do a bit of sneaky shopping. It wasn't actually that exciting as it is for work clothes. I realised yesterday that all my old work clothes are either looking a little drab or a little too big on me. The top is old but the skirt is new from Matalan and to be honest a bargain as it was in the sale for £7. I also bought one more black skirt which is a bit more flow-y, a pair of trousers which are brown and wide legged, a really nice pink silky blouse and a black and white striped skirt for me in downtime! I am really happy with all the purchases and although I am still not in the size I want I am OK with things. The skirt below is a size 18 which if I am really honest about I am a little gutted about * I did try on the 16 and almost split it* but I have to remember I am 207lbs and not 196. For some reason I keep on telling myself I am almost 14 stone and in actual fact I am closer to 15 stone than the 14 stone mark! When i first started doing this everything is measured in lbs so and I am used to doing things in stone so I talk to myself in both hence why I get confused sometimes. I understand both, as in if somebody said to me i weigh 150lbs I have a understanding of where abouts that is but I need to then convert it into Stone to get a true idea. Because my maths isn't so good I always have to do it on a calculator! oops! Anyway not much longer till I really am 14 stone or 196lbs and I truly can not wait. This is the time..there are no more weddings coming up no major birthday's or hens so no U-turns in my path so seeing 196!

I adore your outfit! And I so get what you are saying about dinner. It is a total *duh* kind of thing but so much social life revolves around dinner. Loving your blog, keep up the good work!