Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Letting go of the scales

Well everything is going well so far today... I have my 1st Clanettics class this evening which I am excited about. I will be interested to see if it is a class you sweat in of it's more of a case of feeling the burn from toning up! Either way I am sure it will be really good.
Yesterday for lunch I just had a bowl of soup which was a bit of a mistake.. not the soup part but I just had tomato soup and it really really didn't fill me up enough. So when I got home last night I did pick from the fridge before dinner which was a mistake and so of course I don't actually know how many calories I really had. Big mistake but I didn't eat that much so I am sure I am still in my calorie goal as also had to little during the day.
I got on the scales today just out of interest ... not for my weight  but to see if they will ever change at all and guess what... no change! So I am going to be doing 2 things a) asking my gym to put some scales in the changing room *I can't believe that there aren't any in there already*  b) Only weigh myself when I am at my parents house  *They have Weight watchers scales that don't get moved around or thrown from room to room like mine have in the last few weeks*
To be honest I think that this could be really good for me to try and let go of the number and concentrate on the fitness and calorie control *How much do I sound like I am giving up the scales just because they are not going down* I have seen a few people that do monthly weigh-in's and I think it potentially is a good idea. Your moods and successes are so reliant on the scales as if I have a bad week I go for an extreme like Slim Fast for a few days to compensate the bad week and if I have a good week I think oh I can relax a bit and I will have more food than I should. So I think yes... I would like to let go of the scales... not completely but defo just be holding on with my finger tips...Like everybody says the scales is just a number...and like I have said previously if I focus on a healthy living then the number on the scales will automatically go down!
As you all know my plan is this:
Mon: 30 minutes Swimming
Tues: Clanettics Class (1hr)
Wed:30 Minutes Swimming
Thurs: Zumba (1hr)
Fri: 30 Minutes swimming
That's 3.5 hours of exercise a week... not bad going I would think combined with my calorie intake goal of 1596 a day should get me to tone up and slim down... yes?


  1. Your workout plan looks great. I so get the want to give up the scale. I have thought about it too but I have weighed in every week for 7 months, good bad and ugly. It keeps me in touch with reality. I also do measurements once a month because muscle can replace fat and make your weights seem to go up or not move but a loss of inches is a loss of inches. I only do that once a month though since it can take 4 to 6 weeks for changes to be evident. I think your doing so great. You are always in the game, always mindful. :)

  2. Thank you! I was thinking of takin gmeasurements as well as a few months ago my firend had to take mine for a bridesmaid dress so would be interesting to see if there was any difference now! need to go and buy a tape measure!

  3. I've done that same mistake with soup before! I love soup, and it is initially super filling, but withing an hour I'm hungry! I've been making sure I have at least two portions of soup, and bulking it up with chicken!
