Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Day 2 on Weight Watchers

It's going well so far... I am getting really surprised at how quickly my points are going and am also realising that alcohol just seriously isn't worth it. I love wine as we all know but I am going to do my best to just allow myself 2 glasses (175ml) a night. This week already I have drunk quite alot.. I do have reasons but still.
Last night I had one of my best friends come over for dinner at our new place and it was so lovely to see her... she also very kindly bought us a bottle of champagne which of course we opened then and there once we had finished that we opened a bottle of red and then once we had finished that we opened another bottle of red... there were 3 of and not just the 2 of us but you can see how easily we get through the vino!
We also had a delicious Carbonara that Biggy cooked.. he always makes it amazingly well. I was incredibly good and only had a small portion but still pointed everything.. this is how my points page looked at the end of the evening...

23 points in total on alcohol and total used is 60!!! Now you may look at my weekly remaining and go OMG what is she eating but I have actually calculated my points for today and Friday.
Tonight my parents are coming over for dinner to also see our new place as they have just come back from America and so we are having another big dinner.. I am cooking a Cottage Pie which actually adds up the points quite alot which is surprising and I have given myself 2 glasses of wine and then with breakfast and lunch counted I am 1 point over my limit but I also need to add on top of that a dessert. I will also serve some nibbles but I am going to stay away from least try to!
Last night I went to my second Clanetics class and am still loving it although today I feel like I have been punched in the stomach as all my muscles are sooooo sore!
How is everybody else?

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

So I Joined Weight Watchers

OK... well after all my questions yesterday and not being able to find any answers... I decided to join Weight Watchers. They are doing a deal at the moment where you can join the e-community for £35 and that gets you a 3 month membership. These are my reasons for joining:
  1. I have not lost any real weight for the last 6 weeks
  2. Although tracking calories is good it doesn't reflect "good" or "bad" calories
  3. I feel like I need some structured help rather than trying to do it myself
  4. It has a high success rate
I think my reasons are quite good... I am just tired of not seeing the results I want... even when I took my inch measurements yesterday there aren't any changes from July... I think I have done really well... I had lost 20lbs (now 17) and I am staying focused and haven't once given up even over the last few weeks when I have been confused and not seeing any of the results I want. I haven't joined the classes as apart from weighing-in I don't think they will be suitable for me and in regards to support I feel like I work out alot of my issues by blogging!

I have signed up for 3 months so will see how it goes and see if I see a movement in the scales I will continue with them. I think I have already got an answer to why I am not losing weight... portion sizes.

I added my points up yesterday and found that I am just eating way to much! I have been assigned 34 points a day then plus the weekly allowance of 49 points. To begin with I was like ... wow that's a big daily allowance no way will I use all of those... man oh man how wrong could I be! It is shocking just how quickly the points add up!
One thing I am struggling with though is working out my portion sizes... everything is measured in grams or ounces etc and I although I have a rough idea I know it isn't totally correct. So I need to try and find something to measure it all out without looking like a complete idiot (no offence to anybody who does this ) and having a pair of scales (my family would rip me to pieces if they saw me weighing out all my food!)
So I am going to do all I can to stay within my point limit and I am going to try and not use the points I have earned from activity.... but I know that they are there if I really need them eg This Friday I am going out to a client lunch to Nando's and then in the evening we have a colleague's leaving party and we are going out to Pizza Express!!!
I have done Weight Watchers before and had some success with it..but I wasn't dedicated or that interested and so after about 3 weeks gave up!
So stage 2 of weight loss now begins... bring on the loss!

Monday, 29 October 2012

Weigh In - 29.10.12

Well.... I got on my scales that I am not sure actually work and it says 205.8lbs... I have no idea if this is right or not and it is really frustrating me. I got on my parents scales when  I went home at the weekend as they have fancy Weight Watchers ones and that said 212.6lbs... I am not worried about it as they always say a number higher than what my scales say and I weighed myself in the middle of the day but it was the ounce number that made m think that perhaps my scales aren't broken and it really is a the case that my weight has stayed exactly the same!

I am letting go of the scales as I know that I am eating well and I know I am doing exercise... having said that I would like to know what I weigh!!! Aghhhh... I will be really frustrated if the scales are broken as I know it doesn't matter what you weigh yourself on as long as its the same scales every time... I think the plan should be... Stick with these scales see what happens over the next few weeks and just keep up the healthy lifestyle. I am also going out to by a measuring tape today and am going to take my measurements...I think I will do this once a month as that way if the scales aren't moving I can see if my waist is actually moving! I am going to add a new tab to record them all and see what happens.

I just don't know what to think and as you might be able to tell my mind is all over the place with it. I am saying that I want to let go of the number on the scales ... and I do to a point but also I like to say to myself and my friends... so far I have lost ~~~lbs and if I don't weigh myself then I cant do that. Also if the scales aren't broken then why have I been the same weight for the last few weeks and not losing weight especially when I have done more exercise in the last 2 weeks than I think I have in a year... I just don't understand and as supportive I try and be I then get a bit annoyed when I see that other people have lost 3lbs this week.. I am like why can't I see that...Especially as before I was seeing a loss and it was so good to see.

What was I doing then that I am not doing now? Is it my portion control? Is it my wine intake... (has been alot).... is it my calorie intake?  What am I doing wrong.... Please can somebody give me an answer!
Oh to be 201lbs again... please!!!!!

Friday, 26 October 2012

Where is the Latin in Zumba?

Why oh why can I not find a Zumba class that just plays Latin music...maybe I have it wrong... but I was lead to believe that Zumba is South American, Caribbean, African ... so why oh why was I doing Indian style dancing. I like Indian dancing... I did an Indian dance for my best friends wedding but when I go to Zumba I want to do Latin style. I think the problem is is that I LOVE  Latin music. I love dancing salsa and merengue and reggaeton and all of those Latin styles so I think that when I go that I should be doing lots of routines and almost like I am in a club. Every time I am disappointed apart from on the Wii as that is all just Latin. I am going to go again next week but if I don't like it I think I will just go to the gym after work and listen to Latin music on my phone while running or cross training.
                                                                   This is what I want...
The other thing I really really don't like in the studio and something that I know I am supposed to be working on are the mirrors. I noticed last night that I just can't look at myself in the mirror at all and if I do get a glimpse I almost want to cry. I am so much bigger than everybody in every sense... in my figure and my height. I am only 5ft7/8 so am not that tall but the studio just makes me feel like a GIANT. I think I might get different work out clothes as mine at the moment are very clingy and perhaps that is what makes me feel extra big. Last night I did try telling myself that it doesn't matter what I look like and if I am fat as I am here to lose weight and tone up and that is the first step in the right direction. As much as I tried telling myself that it didn't really work! 
I didn't go swimming this morning as to be honest was completely knackered. I went to bed around 2.30/3am on Wednesday night and it has just wiped me out...last night went to bed at midnight and when my alarm went off at 6.15am I just couldn't open my eyes at all. But I will go to the gym on Saturday morning when I have had a good sleep!
Have a good weekend everybody!

Thursday, 25 October 2012


OMG... I am just so tired today. Biggy was out last night and I just couldn't fall asleep... I think I fell into a resltess sleep around 2.30am and then my alarm went off at 7am! Yay me... yesterday I changed the batteries in the scales and to be honest I am not sure if they are broken or what... I got on them last night and 207.6 and then this morning...207.6... So I now seem to have gone up 1 bs... exactly. I think I will just wait until my parents are back from holiday and go and stand on their scales or use the gym ones...
Last  night I also found some old photos and saw some from when I was quite skinny I am now using the photos as my inspiration... however do need to point out that I was 18 when they were taken so I know I am not going to have the same figure!
Zumba tonight... hopefully I won't be asleep before the class!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Scales are BROKEN... I have proof...honest!

Ok so last night after my Callanetics class (review is below) I got on my scales after having a bath and eating well during the day (not over my limit but not extra extra light) and guess what my weight anybody who has got on the scales in the morning and then in the evening can tell you that NO WAY is your weight EXACTLY the same. I tried taking the batteries out and resetting it but I don't think I did it correctly so will be buying some new batteries today and stepping on those scales in the morning. Now half me is pleased as I now know my weight isn't the same... but then the other half of me is scared as I could be way more or way less or just a little less.. who knows? But I defo want to weigh myself less often.. I think I am doing well however as I can feel it in some of my clothes... I put a top on this morning that felt quite lose in the well as a suit jacket that I often wear.

I had my Callanetics class last night...OMG... it was hard work! It wasn't hard in the sense that you were sweating lots and moving lots but the muscles you were using and the toning was unbelievable... I can feel it in my body so much already! I will definitely be going regularly and the teacher was really really nice. She spoke to you and explained things clearly... I was the only new person in the class so spent some time with me alone and showed me how to do the moves. I will defiantly be toned up soon...if not all the way at least a little bit more than what I am now!
Then this morning I went swimming and was in the pool by 6.45am... did a good 30 minutes and then some "cool down" (!!!) in the Sauna. So far this week I have stuck to my exercise routine really well and I think going Swimming every other day is taking the "pressure" off going every day.
Zumba tomorrow night and then 1 more morning of swimming and I will have stuck to my routine 100%!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


OK... I thought I would post this now as I have been working everything out to move forward with counting calories and healthy lifestyle and think I have totally confused myself.... I NEED ALL THE ADVICE I CAN GET ASAP.
I initially worked out that to get to 182lbs I could eat 1598 calories a day. I worked this out by going on to My Fitness Pal and working out that the BMR for a female at the age of 26 who is 5ft7 weighs 182lbs is 1598calories.

What is your BMR?

Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is an estimate of how many calories you'd burn if you were to do nothing but rest for 24 hours. It represents the minimum amount of energy needed to keep your body functioning, including breathing and keeping your heart beating.
Your BMR does not include the calories you burn from normal daily activities or exercise.
Our calculator uses the Mifflin-St. Jeor equations to estimate your BMR which is believed to be more accurate than the more commonly used Harris-Benedict equation.
BUT if I put in my current weight and what I would like to lose a week (1.5lbs) without doing any exercise then they recommend 1390 calories a day...and even if I put in that I am doing 5 days of exercise (40 minutes average) it still gives me a calorie limit of 1390 calories a day...
So am I eating too much?  
AGHHHHHHH please help...I am totally totally confused!!!

Letting go of the scales

Well everything is going well so far today... I have my 1st Clanettics class this evening which I am excited about. I will be interested to see if it is a class you sweat in of it's more of a case of feeling the burn from toning up! Either way I am sure it will be really good.
Yesterday for lunch I just had a bowl of soup which was a bit of a mistake.. not the soup part but I just had tomato soup and it really really didn't fill me up enough. So when I got home last night I did pick from the fridge before dinner which was a mistake and so of course I don't actually know how many calories I really had. Big mistake but I didn't eat that much so I am sure I am still in my calorie goal as also had to little during the day.
I got on the scales today just out of interest ... not for my weight  but to see if they will ever change at all and guess what... no change! So I am going to be doing 2 things a) asking my gym to put some scales in the changing room *I can't believe that there aren't any in there already*  b) Only weigh myself when I am at my parents house  *They have Weight watchers scales that don't get moved around or thrown from room to room like mine have in the last few weeks*
To be honest I think that this could be really good for me to try and let go of the number and concentrate on the fitness and calorie control *How much do I sound like I am giving up the scales just because they are not going down* I have seen a few people that do monthly weigh-in's and I think it potentially is a good idea. Your moods and successes are so reliant on the scales as if I have a bad week I go for an extreme like Slim Fast for a few days to compensate the bad week and if I have a good week I think oh I can relax a bit and I will have more food than I should. So I think yes... I would like to let go of the scales... not completely but defo just be holding on with my finger tips...Like everybody says the scales is just a number...and like I have said previously if I focus on a healthy living then the number on the scales will automatically go down!
As you all know my plan is this:
Mon: 30 minutes Swimming
Tues: Clanettics Class (1hr)
Wed:30 Minutes Swimming
Thurs: Zumba (1hr)
Fri: 30 Minutes swimming
That's 3.5 hours of exercise a week... not bad going I would think combined with my calorie intake goal of 1596 a day should get me to tone up and slim down... yes?

Monday, 22 October 2012

Monday Weigh in - 22.10.12

Right well needless to say I am a little disappointed... I am exactly the same weight I was last week. 206.6lbs... Now I know that it is easy to blame things on circumstances out of your control BUT I am sure that there is something wrong with my scales or that the move has messed them up. If the scales said 206.3 or 206.4 I wouldn't be writing this but my weight has stayed EXACTLY the same since before I went on holiday.. not even an ounce up or down... how is this possible? I put the scales on the carpet and then I was 10lbs lighter .... lovely to see but obviously not right. So I am annoyed as I would really like to see the scales going down. I think what I might do is take the scales back to my parents house and weigh myself where I used to do it and see what it says. That way I know if its me, the scales or the floor!
Having said that I know that last week I ate healthily, I know that I kept within my calorie goal and I know that I did exercise. I did have a few things that could go on the wall of shame but not many and when I did eat something bad I still kept within my calorie range. So really I am going to try and not think about the figure and go more on keeping up a healthy lifestyle.
I went swimming this morning and tomorrow I have my first Callenetics class which is exciting. I have also booked myself into my 2nd Zumba class. If I am going swimming 3 times a week and 2 gym classes then the scales will have no choice but to go down.
Until next weigh in .....!

Friday, 19 October 2012

Zumba Class - Review

So last night I went home got changed and then got up and went to the gym for my very first Zumba class. It was on the whole a success. I had a good time and I did sweat...quite a bit! There were about 11 of us in the class so was a nice size and I was very fortunate that I was able to pick up the steps really quickly which was good. The instructor was alright.... but not great. I will be really honest she wasn't really what I was looking for as an instructor. Now this is going to sound really really harsh but firstly she was quite overweight... now this is really bad I know... but I am going there to tone up and lose weight and if the instructor is overweight it makes me think will this work. I know it will, I know that that is very harsh but I want to be taught by somebody that has a great figure where I can look at her and go "I must keep on pushing as then I will have a figure like hers". The other things I didn't like is that she played Country Music.. I like country music and I like Line Dancing but I wasn't there for that I was there for Zumba. She also didn't really say what she was doing in advance so at one point you have your arms up in the air and then you are still doing that and she is walking in the opposite direction down the studio. Like I said I was lucky enough that I was able to follow quite quickly but I think if I hadn't been used to the music and the kind of moves that you get with Latin style then I would have struggled quite alot. I guess I would have described as more of an aerobics class than a Zumba class.

BUT....I was talking to a few people in the class and the lady that was teaching us yesterday is covering for the normal instructor who is on holiday. She was saying that the normal instructor is far more into the dance style and it is alot more Zumba orientated. So I have already booked myself into the class for next week and overall I did really enjoy it. It was fun, active and it made me sweat so I am happy with that.

Have a good a weekend everybody! Fingers crossed for a loss on the scales on Monday!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Scales ... so annoying

After my revelation moment of yesterday about dinner Biggy came home from 3 days of training and we had a very nice 3 course dinner! It was very yummy and a little high in calories and impossible to track on MFP so I feel a bit of an idiot about that as I know it wasn't good for me.
This morning I got on the scales as was a little eager to see my progress form the last few days of being extra good and do you know what I saw ... 207.6. I was like what the F**k. That is so not fair. Now know I had a big dinner last night but I am being so good throughout out the day and was good so far this week .. but I have to remember that the scales is one part of the weight loss and you can go up and down so much within a day so I need to relax let it go and keep on going! Really hard but on Monday I could be seeing a loss of 3lbs who knows! I just really need to put the scales away during the week and only look once a week on Monday morning.
This evening I have my first Zumba class... excited but nervous as well! I just hope I don’t look like a total idiot and get all the moves wrong. Then tomorrow I am going swimming and again on either Saturday or Sunday which will be my goal of swimming 3 times a week... whoop whoop!
How is everybody else doing?

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


Ok, now occasionally I ask my colleague at work to take my photo for me as obviously I can not do it myself without a large mirror and bless her cotton socks she never ever manages to take one in focus or where something isn't quite right with it! Here are 2 photos of me at the moment at 206.6lbs.

Now I cant really see a difference from when I started but I know there is one as I am 17lbs down *not the 20lbs from a month or so ago : ( *  Also that is not fake tan it is real from being in Spain!!  Today is going well in regards to eating and such. I didn't go to the gym this morning as to be honest I just didn't want to. I know that is not great but I am alone in the house at the moment as Biggy is out on training and it is hard to motivate yourself when you are all alone! I have pledged to go swimming three times a week so will be going on Friday morning and I know Biggy and I will go to the gym at some point over the weekend so I am not too worried about it. Also do you know what ...I am feeling really good about being back on the good habits and getting back to seeing the scales go down. I am finding it quite easy to keep in my calorie limit and not snacking in between meals. Also I did have a slight revelation while on holiday about dinner. I realised that dinner is totally the worst time to eat your main meal. Now I know to many you will be going *well duh* but all of a sudden it clicked for me.
 We all "Go out for Dinner" and when friends come over they "come for dinner" but this is actually the worst time to eat the higher calorie, richer fattier foods as you can't burn them off. I know that you burn calories in your sleep but if you ate that meal for lunch it would be so much better for you. I am not saying that from now on I am going to have a 3 course meal for lunch or start inviting people over for lunch all the time but I am watching alot more what I am eating at dinner especially as Biggy and I really enjoy eating together and normally have a bigger meal at dinner.

On another note what do you think of my outfit? While Biggy is away I thought I would do a bit of sneaky shopping. It wasn't actually that exciting as it is for work clothes. I realised yesterday that all my old work clothes are either looking a little drab or a little too big on me. The top is old but the skirt is new from Matalan and to be honest a bargain as it was in the sale for £7. I also bought one more black skirt which is a bit more flow-y, a pair of trousers which are brown and wide legged, a really nice pink silky blouse and a black and white striped skirt for me in downtime! I am really happy with all the purchases and although I am still not in the size I want I am OK with things. The skirt below is a size 18 which if I am really honest about I am a little gutted about * I did try on the 16 and almost split it* but I have to remember I am 207lbs and not 196. For some reason I keep on telling myself I am almost 14 stone and in actual fact I am closer to 15 stone than the 14 stone mark!  When i first started doing this everything is measured in lbs so and I am used to doing things in stone so I talk to myself in both hence why I get confused sometimes. I understand both, as in if somebody said to me i weigh 150lbs I have a understanding of where abouts that is but I need to then convert it into Stone to get a true idea. Because my maths isn't so good I always have to do it on a calculator! oops! Anyway not much longer till I really am 14 stone or 196lbs and I truly can not wait. This is the time..there are no more weddings coming up no major birthday's or hens so no U-turns in my path so seeing 196!

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Kim Kardashians Arse

Well if nobody else is going to say it I am.... what the hell is going on with Kim's backside at the moment???  We all know that I am a  fan of the Kardashians (Can not wait for their clothes line to be launched in November with Dorothy Perkins!) but Kim has taken curves to a whole new level. I love curves.. I have curves and a giant arse but this is ridiculous:
Personally I don't think its a good look to go for and I am sure that she has had implants as it wasn't like this before...was it????  I can not believe that she would wear a dress that is totally see through so you can see everything. I think it is better to hint at something than just totally show it off.
Here are some photos of Kim's booty a few years ago and I defo think it has gotten bigger and not in a good way:
I know that this seems like a crazy thing to blog about but I just think as a role model for curvy girls she has to take it seriously, it is almost like the "Fat Fetish" thing. But I also think that since going out with Kayne West her dress sense has very obviously changed which although is good (always good to try new things) I don't think he is really the right role model to be following as his dress sense is  not the best.
On another note everything is going well on healthy eating.. went to the gym this morning but was running a little behind so could only do 20 minutes Swimming.  I have worked out that for me to maintain a weight of 182lbs I can eat 1596 calories a day. So I have set that as my calorie goal (was 1500) and not adding in the extra calories from exercise. On MFP it automatically adds extra calories to your allowance if you have done exercise which I don't want to do. But having said that I am really hungry today but am doing fine with having an apple for a snack or a fat free yogurt!Yum yum!!!

Monday, 15 October 2012

Monday Weigh In - 15.10.12

OK so I am back and ready to go! Got on the scales this morning and was really really worried... but I saw 206.6lbs which is the same weight I was before I went on Holiday. I am quite pleased with it in a way as I was really really expecting a gain... I don't think we ate that well over there...we didn't eat badly but I had a few ice creams and lots of Sangria and Tapas.
This morning I went to the supermarket to get my food for the week for work. I got some Muesli for breakfast and lots of salad and some soups as well as some cottage cheese, apples and fat free yogurts. My plan will be to have a soup or a salad and if I find I am really hungry I will have a soup and a salad but the salad will be scaled down to just be lettuce and cucumber so nothing high in calories.
I didn't go to the gym this morning as Biggy and I were so knackered from our journey back yesterday but tomorrow I will be going swimming and also have my first gym class that I will be booking myself into. It will be clanetics so will be looking forward to telling you how I do!
Anyway it's good to be back and am looking forward to finally FINALLY getting into onderland. 7lbs to go and I will be there!

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Still on Holiday...But....

Well Hola everybody!  I am on my last day of holiday and am sitting on our balcony enjoying the sun! I thought while I had the time on my hands I would do a quick catch up now so when I am properly back on Monday I can hit the ground running! I don't have a weigh in for you as although our villa provides alot of things luckily they don't provide scales, but I am sure I have put on weight as I can feel it. I would take a guess that I will come in at around 210. Which if so will be very annoying but to be honest any weight I have will be the weight I will re-start at and not complain about. On that note....

This holiday as has definitely given me time to reflect and as always I know I am not happy with my weight but I am happy with my figure especially as is seems at the moment curves are in. I think actually I have alot of growing up to do in myself and in my relationship with Biggy. I need to stop caring about what other people think or do and just get on with what I want to think and what I want to do. A couple of days ago we were out on a peddle boat at the beach and I didn't get in the water I was to afraid of how I was going to get back up once I had got in. I was thinking I don't want Biggy or other people to see me trying to get back in the boat. It was only once I had figured out how to get back in and that I was actually going to be able to do it did I into the water.

I also realise that I have an anger problem and over react and over analyse EVERYTHING. I love Biggy with all my heart 100% and would say we have a very good relationship ..apart from when we argue. All my relationships have been with Latin types so I grew up with that Latin fire when I have an argument... but it is now out of control.. I don't smash plates or anything but I just blow up so quickly I don't shout loudly or get violent I just don't communicate and just seem to go "FINE you want to do that.. lets do that" and storm off instead of properly discussing things and explaining why I don't want to do it or why I don't think that might be a good idea. I also have problems doing things someone else's way... and I show that I am dubious about the plan and am pretty certain it wont work if its not my plan...this is something I really really need to work on. Any suggestions how will be more than welcome!

The other thing I really need to work on is as usual my self image... it is just appallingly bad and the worst culprit of it is my mind... the thoughts that pass through my head are shocking.. I think I know what other people are thinking. I think when Biggy and I argue he then looks at me and says to himself that I am so fat and he is only with me because he feels sorry for me and look at me how can anyone actually be happy with a lump like that! I mean  have you ever heard anything to nasty in your life.. and this is coming from 100% me... Biggy only says nice things about me and to be totally blunt his appetite in the bedroom area for me is anything but diminished and definitely goes further than just the bedroom!!!!! So why can I not see these things and be better about myself in my head? Losing weight isn't just to help my self image.. I want to lose weight and it has to be about myself but I really need to sort these issues out before I can properly continue. 

There has to be a reason why since August I haven't really lost any real weight and instead have been going up and down by 6/7lbs. Am I truly focused? What is holding me back? My body is my temple and do I self hate it enough to unknowingly sabotage my efforts? 

This is something that no book can fix, no advice can sort out this is something that only I can fix and have to fight that evil inside myself to become happier and have that self belief and self love. I was looking through the photos we took on holiday and do you know what I didn't have one positive thing to say about myself in any of the photos. Self hate is such an ugly thing and it is common knowledge that confidence is the sexiest thing above all. 

So what is my plan ...(yes I always have to have a plan) my plan is to build on my self love, embrace my sexiness, embrace my body and embrace what I am putting in my body. I will be starting my gym classes when I return and instead of seeing it as a chore it is instead a class of self love. 

I think I am pretty  
I think I have a good personalty 
I don't like my body... but I am working on it. 

Wednesday, 3 October 2012


Ok gang... I am going on Holiday. Starting to get excited and when I am back I definitely want to see a loss on the scales! Have a great 10 days people and looking forward to catching up on everbody's blogs when I am back! Hasta Luego!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

First Day of a New Month

So far so good... I had 2 pieces of Nimble toast (50 cals a slice) this morning for brekfast with jam, one with butter and one without. I wanted to see what the one without would taste like and although not as nice, it is defo something I can get used to and save the caloiries! Normally I have a bowl of museli in the morning and do think it is better for me as I have to admitt I was STARVING by 10am. I was thinking of having soemthing to nibble on but instead a slimfast shake (I might as well use them up) and then went out to get something for lunch around 12. I went to our local Waitrose and bought two of thier ready meals of the Love Life range. (Love Life Range - Waitrose) I buy alot of thier soups and today had a Lasange.. guess how many caloiries... 306! perfect. Now normally I wouldnt eat something like this for lunch as I condsider it more of a dinner type meal but I was so hungry and it was reduced so I went for it. It was really nice, I am not normally a fan of ready meals like this as I often find them very bland and taste like cardboard but it was good. I also had a bag of skips (96 calories)  and some grapes. Tonight for dinner I am not sure what we will have as I think Biggy will cook and we have to use up the veg we have in the fridge before we go to Spain (!!) It will be nice not to cook as bizarrley as soon as we moved into our new abode I have totally taken over in the kitchen!

One thing I am noticing is how hungry I am today and how often I think of food... just goes to show how my habbits have really gone down hill. My aim for October is to get into the 100's. So realistically that is 6lbs in 4 weeks, would like to point out that 10 days of that 4 weeks is while I am on Holiday! But this will be a really good way to see how I do in the face of a major hurdle as we all know how easy it is to put on weight while on Holiday.
I havent gone to the gym yet this week as to be honest I am trying to catch up on sleep as I am just knackered. When I am back from holiday am going to start doing my gym classes as well 2 a week which are Zumba and Claentics, this was always my plan so am excited about that. I really feel that this is it now... no more excuses no more reasons... time to just knucle down and get the weight off. I always feel like a sound like a prat though when I say this outloud or to you as how many times have I said it!!!
Calorie intake so far: 822
Calorie intake remaining: 678

Monday, 1 October 2012

Errrr .. Scrap that last post!

Do you know what, I have just written my blog for today and would actually like to scrap it.... I am weighing in at 206lbs and although I am not going to beat myself up about it and all the reasons why I have put on weight are obvious it is not good enough to just say "I don't Care". I must care and I do care. Reading everybody elses blogs today and how it is the 1st of October and so a fresh start for everybody whether you need it or not is enough for me to realise my attiude is wrong and it must change. I must draw a line under September of all the alchool, celebrations and fatty foods and get those good habits back in place. It might be hard and it will take time and determination but if you can all do it then so can I.
I have been doing this for 7 months now and although I am doing well I could have done better. I could have easily been in the 100's by now but instead am still at the weight I was 2 months ago. There will always be celebrations and reasons why you put on weight and saying to your self" it doesn't matter I can lose it again" isn't the right attitude to have. Also doing things like Slim Fast, I don't think is the way for me as I end up eating more than I would do as I am so hungry. So like everybody else - it is the 1st of October time to get into the good habits again. I would like to see a constant loss even if it s just 1lbs a week as looking back over my weigh-ins, really since August I have been going up and down by 5lbs and I don't want that to happen anymore. Time to get the scales moving again. I just have to remember the feeling I got when I looked on the scales and first saw 210lbs and think how amazing it will be to see a figure starting with a 1.
Thank you everybody for inspiring me and looking forward to seeing how October goes!

Monday Weigh In - 01.10.12

OMG ... I am so so so so tired. Going to keep this one really really short - weight today is 206lbs... I don't care. Not in the sense that I want to get fat and I have given up the fight but in the sense that I have so so so much going on, I have been really enjoying having nice meals in our new home and we are about to go on our first holiday in  a year and a half  my weight right now isn't at the top of my agenda. I have put on 5lbs in 4 weeks of constant eating, drinking and celebrations so to be honest I don't think that that is that bad. The good thing is that I can feel already that I am starting to have enough of "relaxing" and don't want to eat so much food anymore. When we are in Spain I actually think I will eat healthily with all that fish and fruit and will hopefully be going swimming lots and mucking around in the pool!
I go on holiday on Thursday so I will be absent for 10 days but then when I come back it is full steam ahead to get in to the onederland!