It's going well so far... I am getting really surprised at how quickly my points are going and am also realising that alcohol just seriously isn't worth it. I love wine as we all know but I am going to do my best to just allow myself 2 glasses (175ml) a night. This week already I have drunk quite alot.. I do have reasons but still.
Last night I had one of my best friends come over for dinner at our new place and it was so lovely to see her... she also very kindly bought us a bottle of champagne which of course we opened then and there once we had finished that we opened a bottle of red and then once we had finished that we opened another bottle of red... there were 3 of and not just the 2 of us but you can see how easily we get through the vino!
We also had a delicious Carbonara that Biggy cooked.. he always makes it amazingly well. I was incredibly good and only had a small portion but still pointed everything.. this is how my points page looked at the end of the evening...
23 points in total on alcohol and total used is 60!!! Now you may look at my weekly remaining and go OMG what is she eating but I have actually calculated my points for today and Friday.
Tonight my parents are coming over for dinner to also see our new place as they have just come back from America and so we are having another big dinner.. I am cooking a Cottage Pie which actually adds up the points quite alot which is surprising and I have given myself 2 glasses of wine and then with breakfast and lunch counted I am 1 point over my limit but I also need to add on top of that a dessert. I will also serve some nibbles but I am going to stay away from least try to!
Last night I went to my second Clanetics class and am still loving it although today I feel like I have been punched in the stomach as all my muscles are sooooo sore!
How is everybody else?