Monday, 8 July 2013

Weigh In - 08.07.13

I am still here and still going strong... I just am so busy at the moment and haven't had time to blog which is so sad!!!
This morning I got on the scales and saw a drop of 3lbs - so weighed in at very very pleased about that... now it's just a case of continuing to see a loss. Last week I went to the gym every day Monday to Friday and did 30mins of cardio each day... I have to admit come Friday I was knackered... truly knackered. I have returned to not snacking in between meals however the alcohol is still a problem. We drank nearly every night and when I was looking through my food diary I was noticing that whenever there was a meal with a high amount of calories it was due to wine or champagne.
Over the weekend I went back to Oxford to see some friends and we went for dinner and drinks...of course the drinks turned into a magnitude of drinks and I was feeling to rough the next day... the funny thing is that more and more I don't enjoy drinking... actually let me re-phrase that - I don't enjoy the effect drinking has... even after 2 large glasses of wine with Biggy I change, I don't become horrible or anything but I just don't feel straight in my head and just find myself not thinking rationally... also my sensitivity goes right down if you catch my drift and that I really don't appreciate....
This week both Biggy and I have said that we are not going to drink this week (and yes I know I always say this) but I really do want to cut it out...not totally but really make a effort to only drink on special occasions...and no that does not include just because it's a Friday night... today I went out and bought a Detox plan that you add to your water and it's supposed to really Detox your insides... you add some of the solution to 1.5L of water and then drink makes your water look like sewage water as it goes quite a weird brown but it's supposed to clean out your insides....  it tastes ok - this is what it has in it:
Artichoke and Birch: Support the activity of the liver
Dandelion, Green Tea and Birch: Support the Cleansing function of the Kidneys
Tamarind: Promotes intestinal transit
Fennel: Promotes good digestion
Wild Pansy: Contributes to a clear complexion
This morning I didn't make it to the gym as I was just still so tired from Saturday night (bed at 4.30am-up at 9am) but will be going for the rest of the week and will add an extra session in on Saturday to make up for today...

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested to hear about the detox. Mostly how it works and tastes if it looks like sewage water. Congrats on your loss!
