Friday, 30 November 2012


Last night I went to the gym....and do you know what it made me feel great...I did half an hour on the treadmill...not much but it was good. I burned 400 calories and left feeling really good. I got home about 10 minutes after Biggy which is great as's so funny as it just makes me think why do I always forget that going to the gym makes me feel good and energised and positive..why do I look at it as that awful monster? It was totally fine going after work and actually was nice as I could work out all the frustrations of the day and after a day of sitting in front of a computer I felt like I was blowing away all the days cobwebs..

Here are a few photos as proof that I actually went...The area that I really want to work on is that middle area...just below where my hand is...I look as though I am about 3 months pregnant and am waiting for somebody to ask when am I due!!!

Today is proving to be a good day..I am going out for dinner tonight as we are going to the Theatre to see a Christmas show of Abba (Can't wait!) Anyway I have allocated my points and am sticking within my daily allowance... I know what I am eating at Zizi (One of their skinny pizzas which they say is under 550 calories although  it still adds up to 15 points..go figure) and have 5 points still for a glass of wine as well as a few weekly points kicking around..

This afternoon I also did a bit of shopping in my lunch break... I bought a black shirt, not very exciting but very useful for outfits as well as a really nice jumper from H&M.. I ALSO popped into Superdrug as they are having a 3 for 2 on all cosmetics so I topped up on a few things I needed...

What do you think of my outfit? I know in one of the photos I look really miserable but this actually how my mouth falls naturally! Promise!

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Feeling a Bit Blah

Not really feeling it today... just feeling a bit down... I don't know why...just feeling like I am failing at the moment.. I was doing so well for the first few weeks and now this week and last week I can see mistakes being's like I am trying to self sabotage my efforts. I think some of it is because money has been very very tight the last 2 weeks so instead of being able to cook dinners that are full of veg it has been more of the case of looking in the fridge and looking in the shelves and saying what can I put makes a huge difference to points when you cook with just veg or more veg rather than pasta and rice....
I didn't go to the gym last night as after having put the rota together if I had gone last night then I wouldn't have gone this evening... I did do 1 hours housework though...
I think alot of my feelings is probably self guilt... I know I haven't gone to the gym since last Wednesday... I know I have made some stupid decisions food wise.... I know that I am looking at food to make me feel better when in actual fact it is the problem....
However I also know that this mood will pass....I know I am going to the gym tonight....even if I don't lose weight this week because of stupid decisions i know it doesn't mean that next week will be the same...I know where I can improve...I know I will get to my goal
Anyway...until tomorrow....

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Half Way Through The Week ALREADY!

OMG....where is this week going? I am writing off yesterday...what a rubbish day for food and exercise! I pointed everything though so there are some good things happening! I didn't go to my gym class last night... I just wanted to go home and relax... I think the cold weather and dark mornings and nights aren't really helping as all it makes you do is want to go home and cuddle up into bed with a good film.
I was thinking about it last night though and have decided that I should go to the gym in the evenings...Biggy doesn't normally get home until 7.30ish and I can normally get to the gym by 6.15 so that leaves me 45minutes to go to the gym and do some exercise... I actually have to drive past my gym on the way home so I am not going out of my way at all or anything... my new plan will be this:
Monday: Swimming in the PM
Tuesday: Gym in the PM (Clannetics class)
Thurs: Gym in the PM (Cross Trainer or Running)
Fri: Swimming in the AM
Sat: Gym in the AM (Running) with Biggy followed by Sauna and Steam Room
Sun: Rest
I get a rest half way through the week..only have one early morning and run twice a week and swim twice a week...I think that this seems like a good plan...especially as I really do drive past the gym every night so I truly truly do not have any excuses!!!
Today has been really good food wise...still have about 14 points left for dinner which is more than enough and I have all my gym stuff in my car ready and waiting to go! I got on the scales this morning (I know I shouldn't) and the scale isn't moving's not moving up but it's just a little too close to being 14 and half stone for my liking especially seeing as I was so close to being 14 stone!

I will tweet proof while at the gym so you can see I have actually gone this evening!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Biscuits... You are my downfall!

Yesterday went really well in regards to eating. I had a soup for lunch and didn't snack at all. It was a really good day. The only thing I would say is that after the soup I was really craving something quite sweet ... so today I went out to get a roll for my soup and also got some Weight Watchers yogurts and some Weight Watchers Digestive Biscuits....What a mistakea to makea!
This Is What I Hope Heaven Looks Like
Now I can resist chocolate quite easily and if I have one I am ok with really restraining myself....but biscuits... they are my weakness....they are my crunchy red apple... they are my love...they are my DOWNFALL. I was only planning on having 2...then 4...then 6 in the end I actually just opened the whole packet and passed them around the office so they were eaten. What an idiot! Last Xmas in my old office, people kept on buying us biscuits and I put on so much weight from them as I just can't say no! It is something I really need to watch and be aware of...

To be honest I am really annoyed with myself for eating 6 biscuits... I wasn't even hungry. It also means that I have used all my points for the day and I still have to have dinner...did I leave my brain in bed this morning?!  I really need to refocus again as well, yesterday I didn't go swimming in the morning and am just generally being a bit lazy...which is ridiculous as I am close to getting to that 14 stone mark and am really eager to get to the final result now!

Final Result Inspiration
But I also think that is half my problem... I am the kind of person that needs a fast result otherwise I get bored and demotivated. Perhaps because I am looking at the final goal alot at the moment I am forgetting the little goals and we all know without the little goals we won't hit the big goal...

Monday, 26 November 2012

Weigh In - 26.11.12

A little disappointed... have put on am seeing 200lbs on the scale...BUT instead of beating myself up about it I am looking back to see why:

1) Feel like I drunk alot more wine
2) Evening meals have been heavier and bigger
3) I have eaten more meat in the evenings
4) Went to my parents for dinner and had a fully blown meal
5) Made some bad choices this weekend...Hello Pringles!

So this week I am back to being really good and going to do all I can to stick to my points... I have noticed that since doing WW I haven't managed to do one week of keeping in line with them. I do log everything and am really honest but every week there is always something that blows my points out of the water. I had originally said that I was going to keep my Weekly Points for wine but then when a big dinner turns up I don't have the points I need. So I think I will keep 10 points for wine and use the rest for big dinners and things.
On a good note I tried on a  top at the weekend that I wasn't sure I was going to fit into. It's a really nice lacy type blouse and the sleeves have buttons going around the upper arms (normally a big no no). Last time I tried it on I had to undo the buttons as it was so tight and the top wouldn't go around my bust. This time I could fit 2 fingers in between the blouse around my arms and top is almost on the big side for me... all the buttons did up no problemos.
Anyway determined to have a good week as am desperate to see 14 stone on the scales and even more determined to see 13 stone something!!!
Have a great week everybody!

Saturday, 24 November 2012

New Jeans

I didn't have the chance to blog yesterday so thought I would do a catch up post. Firstly a little update on the diet side of things...I have been keeping an eye on the scales during the week (never a good idea) and so far no movement.  I am trying to not let it get me down but am also trying to figure out why...2 things have popped  into my head..I have been eating heavier meals in the evening compared to last week and I feel like I have drunk alot more. Two nights in a row I have eaten heavy meals  last night I went over to my parents for dinner so had a very nice 3 course meal and the night before I had pasta quite late and might have had a 2nd helping! Anyway if there is no loss this week then there is no loss but I will have to adjust things to stay on track and do better next week...BUT I will not be standing on the scales during the week...I don't think it's a very good idea at all.

Anyhooooo....on to the exciting part. As you all know Biggy made a comment about how I always wear the same jeans (which I agree with) and after seeing the photos of me the other day and just how pear shaped I am and as I am changing my image and dressing better I decided that I was going to go and get some new jeans. I didn't want to get anything expensive as hopefully they will be too big in a few months..I went to H&M and looked at their denim area and was sorely disappointed as the only jeans they had in the whole shop were skinny or super skinny...I realise that I can only wear skinny (at the moment) if I am wearing boots as otherwise I truly truly look like a pear and my hips look giant. I asked one of the people that work there if I was just being stupid but no all they had was skinny and super skinny... I was like but what about all the other people who don't want to/can't wear skinny...I think it's crazy as so many women in the UK don't dress to their shape and half me thinks it's because we don't know how but then I realise it's not going to help when stores only stock clothes that suit thin people and so forcing  strongly pushing people into a fashion that might not actually suit them... High Street it's time you SHAPED UP (do you see what I did!!)

After being quite annoyed by that I went into New Look and looked at their jeans and to be honest again wasn't that impressed as the large majority of their jeans were also skinny..they did have a pair for £9.99 (so cheap) that I tried on but they were too short (I find a lot of their jeans are to short for me)  looked like they really were £9.99 and I wasn't overly overcome with the colour.

I was in a bit of state but then I thought wait..think...the jeans I love and wear all the time and still look brand new...where are they from....M&S...right go there. So I did..and you  know what as much as it may be "un-cool" to buy jeans from M&S I found a really nice pair that look good quality, are long enough, have a good traditional denim colour,are not skinny or super skinny or even super super skinny and fit really well..and all for the price of .......drum roll please....£12.99! They are straight leg and size 18...but what's even better is that the size 18 went on really easily and if I had had time I might have even tried on a size 16..but for £12.99 I think I can afford another pair in 4 weeks if I feel like they are getting too big.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

FitSwap needs YOU!

        Click here --------> 204 And Losing It <------------- Click here

I read a blog (I read quite a few) by this lovely lady who has had a ingenious plan.....FitSwap. It is a really good idea and at the moment is still being formed but she is looking for help. The idea behind FitSwap is that it is a free service where people can Swap there old or unused fitness equipment, clothes, DVDs, Books etc... I think it is a great idea as we all know that we buy things and  either get bored of them after a month or so or don't use them at all. Also as our bodies are changing we want to keep up with our image at the gym... I have worn jogging bottoms that have become baggy but then when I am on the running machine I am petrified that they are going to fall down so then spend my whole time trying to pull them up while trying not to fall off the machine! To keep on buying things every few months to either keep us interested in exercise or to keep our dignity intact at the gym is expensive so how good would it be if once a month you could go somewhere where you can take your old things and swap them for new things...?
Denise, from 204 And Losing It,  lives in the USA and so is looking for support there but is also interested in getting something going in the UK as well. She did ask me if I wanted to give it a go organising it but unfortunately I can not commit to setting it up at the moment and I know that with these things you need to give it your all or it won't be done properly. So is there anyone else out there that can a) give support or get involved in the USA and b) interested in setting one up in the UK or anywhere else in Europe for that matter!! ( Idea behind FitSwap )
Please do go and look at her blog and get in contact with her if you think you can help out!
Very quickly on a side note... I am now on Pintrest and am LOVING IT... check me out here... My Pintrest 

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Why does a photo always look so different?

Does anybody else have a very different image of themselves in their head compared to the image you see in a photo? I do... very rarely do I like photos of me or do I think the photo looks that much like me. I have a different image in my head yes but also the reflection I have in the mirror is quite different to the image I see in photos. I think because I am moving around in the mirror rather than standing totally still looking like a lemon! Anyway ... here are my updated photos. My friend that took them said I was looking different which is good.



It always makes me laugh how incredibly pear shaped I am! But I am on the way to making those hips reduce in roundness! I also think I need to change my pose as having my legs together and hands on the lower hip doesn't really flatter me in the right places! Need to study the red carpet a bit and see what all the pros do!
Last night had a really good night.. Had my callanetics class which was really good and the teacher really pushed me... I can really feel it in my legs today! Then went home had a healthy dinner of couscous, pepper, onion, spinach and 2% Fat Probiotic yogurt washed down by the a not so healthy but very yummy glass of red wine. Then it was time to get the epilator out ... oh the pain... the last few weeks I had been really lazy and shaved my legs...I could not believe the difference a few weeks of shaving makes! Will defo not be using the razor again!! Then I did my nails I filed them down as I want to have a square shape and painted them...I love painting them but what I don't enjoy  is that within 24 hours they are already chipped! After the nails were dry I then treated myself to a nice face mask before going up to bed and falling asleep listening to the rain (corny I know)!
This morning I was up early and into the pool.... to be honest I am very pleased with myself for sticking to my routine this week and so far I have stuck to my daily allowance with my Points ...I know it's only been 2 days but still!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

What's the real reason why you want to lose weight?

Ok so we all know that those of us who were/are over weight are doing it for our health and so we can have a better lifestyle.... but is that really true?  For me.. no it's not. When I was 25lbs heavier.. (yes that's 25lbs Little whoop whoop!) I never had any health issues. I never thought once "Gosh I am over weight and I am sure it's not good for my health I should do something about it" I thought "Oh for fucks sake I have nothing to wear I am fat and nothing fits me properly why can't I lose weight so I can wear all the things I want to wear and be that fashionista I want to be" And that is the real reason why I want to lose weight. Being overweight and fat means that you can't buy nice clothes, you cant get clothes to fit you properly, you can't wear styles that make you feel good but instead just fit you or cover up the parts you want.. (do you think I like wearing cardigans in the summer all the time??)
Clothes I think make a huge difference to your confidence and mood. Recently Biggy and I were going out to the cinema and a few days before he had said how I always wear the same thing (more to come on that in a moment) so I tried to wear something different. I have these jeans that I bought when I first lost weight and they made me feel amazing before.. but now they are to big and baggy and do that rouched thing around the knee and generally make me feel like an elephant... but I thought to myself, no have confidence they will look good... so I put them on and tried to match a top with it and tried to look good but knew I felt like a fat idiot trying to look good... well all that happened was that I quietly started crying before we went out and I tried other tops on and shoes on etc. Biggy kept on asking me what was wrong and of course I told him nothing.. how do you explain to someone how you have this inner monologue going through your head that is just telling yourself how stupid you look and how much you are failing at trying to look good as of course you would never look good or sexy because you are overweight and fat and the style you so desperately want to wear will never look good whilst you are the size you currently are. I did eventually tell Biggy why I was crying but not what was in my head as I think he would run for the hills if he knew what happens in there sometimes... I explained that I always wear the same jeans as they make me feel good and I am confident and relaxed in them. He totally understood and said that why didn't I just tell him that, he knows I am losing weight and so not all my clothes fit me correctly at the moment.
I know that this future person is me but it's my lack of confidence and weight that is holding me back.. the other night I was watching Ugly Betty (huge fan) while doing the ironing... and I got changed 3 times into different outfits as watching that programme makes me realise that I am not happy with my current choice of clothes and style... because it's not me. I look at the people on the show and yes I know it's a show... but I think I want to have the confidence and ability to wear those clothes and have them looking good on me.
I have never been hugely into fashion and mainly because I can't wear it but that is the drive behind me losing weight. I love it... not in the sense that I am going to be wearing crazy outfits that are really at the front line of fashion but just in the sense of being able to wear the style I like and actually looking good in it. I can't wait to be the size I want to be and have the opportunity to buy good clothes that will suit me throughout the years. I can't wait to go into all the shops that I currently walk past because I know they won't do my size. I can't wait to go to the middle of the rail instead of routing around at the back for the larger sizes.
Before anyone says oh but you can look good at your size .. I know you can actually deep in my heart I don't, I think alot of people that are overweight don't look great no matter what they wear as your body isn't supposed to be overweight and I know they make bigger clothes and I know that Gok Wan can sort out anybody and make them look a million dollars... but the clothes I want to wear and the style I want won't fit or suit a person that wears a size 18 trousers (on a good day) and size 14 top. I don't want to be size 8 or anything and actually would be incredibly happy with being a size 12 bottoms...
I want to take more care in my appearance, I enjoy painting my nails and making sure I'm smelling good and feeling smooth (if you catch my drift). But it is something that is still deep inside me and is taking awhile to come out. After years of not caring so much as I had no pride in my body or self and it is still something I feel like I am playing at, when I get the nail varnish out I think to myself "Who are you kidding you are not that person" but do you know what I am that person and I want to be that person. 
The fashion side will have to go on hold for a bit until I lose the weight I want, a lesson learnt as few months ago when I lost 10lbs I went out and bought a whole new wardrobe...its now all to big for me and I hate it but everything else can come out now, the nail varnish, the make up, the moisturising, the hair removal (and not when you can see it from the moon but on a regular basis) all of that can start happening now. I know it makes me feel good and I know that when I feel good I am more confident and so am more successful and focused on the final goal.  
Anyway this has been a very long post and something that has been building up inside me recently.. I think it was when a friend said "What's with all the labels... your not a label person"... wrong wrong wrong... I am a label person I really like fashion but I have never been able to show that love because I have been too fat to do so.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Well Hello There Onederland

So weighed in today and guess what I saw.... Just a little bit of Onederland staring back at me! 199lbs...Take that Fat! lol... I am really happy but I am not as happy as I thought I would be and it's all because I have changed my scales. My old scales were electrical and I weighed in lbs and so I never really had any idea of how much I was in stone unless I worked it out on the calculator. My mini goals were all about the lbs.. 210, 200, 190 etc.. I would have probably gone in to the next stone and not even realised it ... but now my scales are in stone and it doesn't show pure lbs. Now what I can see are the big numbers 1 and 4 looming closer and closer and that is now my aim and I have kind of forgotten about being in Onederland. A little bit sad because for so long I was getting excited about the idea of saying "yes sir-ree I have hit that"  but now imagine how I will feel when I reach 14 stone..  I then am only 14lbs away from my original goal of being 13 stone (180lbs).

At the moment I am really really pleased with WW and my progress so far especially seeing as I have gone over my points every week due to family visits and celebrations. But as well know there is always something happening that will get in your way and the thing we have to do it to try and overcome it! I am feeling pretty confident that I will rech 180lbs by end of Feb if I keep going the way I am now.
This morning I can annnounce that I re-started my gym routine and was in the swimming pool by 6.35am! I was the first one in there and nobody else came in which is a little bizarre as normally there are 2 or  3 other people doing lengths. I have to say I think a pool that is calm and still is one of the most mesmerising things ever.... I was really tempted to not get in and ruin it! It always freaks me out though when there aren't alot of people around when you expect them to be.. straight away I thought "OMG.. is it Sunday and I have got the day wrong".. and then when I have replayed my weekend and yes indeed I have had 2 days at home which makes today a Monday I think " it a Bank Holiday and I didn't know?" I did 30 min swimming and then just under 10 mins in the sauna and I felt really good for it. This week I will be doing all of my gym sessions and that includes running on Thursday night... eeek!
My weekend on the whole was good... Saturday afternoon I went to the ballet with my niece and Mother to see "The Nutcracker" which was good... ballet isn't quite my thing but my niece really enjoyed it. We went out to Lunch before and I had a skinny pizza from Zizi which although was delish I only worked out the PP when I was home (lesson to plan ahead) as I found out the Pizza was 15pp... 15! I was very surprised! In the evening I went out for dinner with some friends and to try and make up for my high pointed lunch I had a lighter dinner. I had a starter but then for my main I had another starter... which was a really good idea I thought and is something I am going to do more often as starters today are a) quite big and b) very tasty ...  gone is just the garlic bread or garlic bread with cheese for a choice!  
Looking forward to this week and would totally love to see 14 on the scales on Monday.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Disarrrrrrrster Darling .....

Yesterday I had plans to eat well and stay on track....this did not happen AT ALL! This is the trouble with a) drinking b) eating unhealthily.
Drinking always makes me hungry the next day and not hungry for fruit or vegetables hungry for junk food and copious amounts of it. I hate it as it always throws my day off. yesterday for breakfast I had 2 sandwiches with light soft cheese and wafer thin chicken slices and then just went on to eat lots of sweets and mince pies and Pringles. I had a healthy dinner but there wasn't much point as I had totally overdone it in the day. FYI - Our dinner was salmon cooked in the oven with Mange Tous  (boiled) and butternut squash (roasted) with lots of herbs and spices.
I find that also once you have opened the doors to unhealthy food it is like a drug and you crave more and more and can't stop. I never buy sweets or cakes as once they are in the house I just eat them all in one go... I am not the girl that has one square of chocolate and puts the pack back in the cupboard.. I am the girl that has one square and puts it back sits down for 5 minutes and then gets back up again and has one more square (repeat till bar is finished)
I got on the scales this morning and had a cheeky look and it's looking ok but no loss so far. I have 3 days to turn it around.. however I am slowly noticing differences.. my rings are feeling loser in fact one of them I think I might have to stop wearing as although it's not going to fall off it just keeps on spinning around which is very annoying and my pants (underwear) are feeling just alot better the elastic doesn't seem to be pushing out quite as much fat! 
Anyway have a good weekend everybody stay strong and I vow to you all I will keep away from the bad food and stay within points today, tomorrow and Sunday ready for WI on Monday!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Romance is Alive and Well

Well didn't I have a surprise yesterday... it was our 3 year annivseary and normally we don't do that much and becuase this year we are trying to save money I truly wasn't expecting to do much.. I said to Biggy let's just get some steak and buy some cheap Cava and have a little celebration at home. Well at 2 o'clock there was a delivery at work and guess who it was for.. ME and guess what it was.. Flowers and a box of chocolates!! I was so so surprised and I blushed so much. Then when I opened the card I was even more surprised as it said 7.30pm Hotel du Vin. I was like wow oh wow! So as soon as work finished I rushed home got changed into my LBD and when Biggy got back he came with a bottle of champagne which we opened and finished before going to the Hotel for an amazing meal.. here is what I had:

Gin and Tonic for pre dinner drink

Chicken Liver Parfait

Served with toasted brioche and raisin chutney
Ribeye Steak
225g  frites and your choice of sauce (Garlic Butter).
2 Bottles of Red Wine from France

Needless to say I was very impressed and we had an amazing evening. I have put in my points form last night as best I can but it is incredibly hard and I know that I have gone way over my Points. I have used all my Weekly Points that I was saving for the weekend as I am going out for dinner with friends on Saturday and going out for lunch with my Mother. I am just going to have to do all I can to stay in my Daily Points and actually don't think I will drink until Saturday night... and even then I think I might just have one glass.
I haven't gone to the gym much this week which I feel really bad about but there was no way I was going to make it this morning and yesterday morning Biggy wanted me to stay so we could have breakfast together. I am thinking I might just start a fresh in my routine next week.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

3 Years Ago Today...

3 Year Annivsary today... tonight we are having Steak and Champagne... yum yum yum!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Charity Shops... An Aladins Cave

Today while on lunch I was just having a little look around the shops for something to do... and also because I am looking for something to wear as am meeting friends on Saturday night for a dinner and don't want to wear trousers... I would actually prefer to wear a skirt... (very unusual for me) anyway I digress.... I am trying to be very good this month when it comes to money so I had a quick look inside Cancer Research and do you know what I came out with 2 tops and 2 skirts all for £25. They are all good quality and really Wintery which is perfect as it is getting quite cold in the UK. Both the skirts are knee length are black with autumnal colours. I will have to upload a photo for you tomorrow to see! Both the tops are grey as I was looking for something to go with the skirts... but actually I am pretty sure I know what I will be wearing on Saturday and I think I will match my preferred skirt with a silky auburn colour blouse I have... EXCITING.... but need to hide it all from Biggy somehow!
I went to the gym this morning to go swimming first time in 7 days. Last week I only went on Monday due to family obligations and feeling just generally really knackered! I was supposed to go swimming yesterday morning  but I didn't make it out of bed in time. Tonight I also have my Clanetics class which I am looking forward to... I missed it last week so hopefully I won't be in too much pain at the end of it!
I also received my Pro Points Calculator today... yay! I am looking forward to using it and figuring it all out... I think it will be mainly used when I am out and about at the weekend and defo used when shopping or cooking to try and work out the point value of foods rather than having to log on to the Internet. Before everybody says that you can download the app from the website I have an Android phone and the app for the Android is just ....C##P! I was able to use it for about 1 week and then  it just seemed to die. I  was quite annoyed as the whole point (ha) of doing it online is that you can log while on the go using your phone. I used to have a iphone and the app worked really well and I also know how good the app is when it works.. but the Android has a long way to go. If anybody from Weight Watchers is reading this PLEASE sort it out!
Generally I have had a really good day today!

Monday, 12 November 2012

Weigh In - 12.11.12

Whoop whoop...down to 201lbs (14st5) Very happy as a) only 2lbs away from onderland b) ate alot this week so am very surprised! Over the weekend Biggy and I were down in Brighton visiting his family over. It was impossible to keep track of points as his family is from Cameroon and I have no idea how to point the food his Aunt cooks as its all traditional food and am pretty sure I won't find it on the WW be honest I don't actually know what the half of the stuff is!! I think it's quite healthy though! My favourite thing is the's probably the unhealthiest food she cooks as it's fried but OMG it's delicious! It's a bit like a banana but savoury and you can't eat them raw.
This week I don't really have any plans until the weekend so am confident that I am going to stick to my Points. I am also going to challenge myself to only drinking on 4 days this week which are: Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I am feeling like I can do it as yesterday ( Sunday) I didn't drink anything and even told Biggy that he wasn't allowed any either!!!
Because my weight has gone down so have my points and I am now on 33 points a day compared to the 34 before. It's obviously good but I think I need to get some recipe ideas as although I am not starving I am finding that my points really do add up so quickly...BUT...I also know that I have probably been eating too much and it will take awhile to get used to not eating such big portions as well as adjusting my mental attitude again!
Anyway looking forward to this week and seeing how a "normal" week goes with no family visits!!

Friday, 9 November 2012

No Wine... YES I CAN

OMG.... last night I didn't have any wine... not a drop .. even though Biggy had a glass I didn't even have a sip! Way To Go ME!!! Very pleased with myself! I am going to try again tonight... BUT we are going down to Brighton to see Biggy's family tonight and tomorrow and returning Sunday, the good thing is is that they are not huge drinkers.

Today the points have gone well but again have been shown how quickly the points rack up. Today I have had:

3x Wheetabix (5)
Milk (2)

Snack A Jack Sweet Chilli (3)
WW Hot Smoked Salmon and Creme Fraiche Linguini (9)
WW Choc Pot (3)

Waitrose Love Life Hot Cross Bun (5)
Butter (2)

Total: 29      Allowance: 34

Sooooo I only have 5 points left for dinner tonight.... I don't have any weekly points I can use and I don't have any activity points I can use. Normally I break down my allowance like so:
Breakfast-7, Lunch- 12, Snack- 5 Dinner- 10 which works out perfectly as 34.

Today I worked in a  different office and so haven't had my usual foods around me and I didn't have a snack at 11ish (morning snack is usually some fruit and so 0 Points) and I think that's why I had a bigger lunch today than normal as I had to go out to buy food and was STARVING.  

But I am sure I will be fine I just have to have lots of veggies tonight and actually to be honest I am not even sure I will be having dinner tonight as we won't be leaving ours till around 7 and so won't get down to Brighton till 9ish especially with the traffic around London on a Friday evening. Normally I eat quite well when down there as all the food that Biggy's family cooks is quite healthy and also very spicy.. I am not a huge fan of spicy foods so it also keeps my portion size down!!!

Anyway really looking forward to WI on Monday and am excited to see if there has been a change. Have a good weekend all!

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Read All About It

Can you notice anything different??? Anything at all? OF COURSE YOU CAN! I have changed the look of the blog... nothing major but was just getting a bit bored of all the Orange! Alot of the other Blogs I read are very professional looking and I would love mine to look like that but I don't know how and to be honest don't think I would have the patience to learn all about the tech side of things... so this will have to do for now!

Yesterday would have been good if I hadn't had half a glass bottle of wine. I was already to not have any and then Biggy came home and opened up a bottle ... so then I was ready to have just a glass... and then I finished my glass and he topped it up! HOWEVER I did say no to opening a second bottle (it's the small wins that count!)
Today is going well and I have no reason so far to go over my points...I am taking a week off the gym this week as to be honest I am just feeling really tired and I somehow did my back in on Monday.. nothing major  but you know when you stand up and something just clicks. Anyway what it does mean is that I will not have any Activity Points this week to use...but I am sure I will survive. The eagerness to see a loss will I am sure keep me on the straight and narrow for the rest of the week.
Speaking of which that is one thing I am really liking about WW. Everyday you see how each day is a new day and that if you went over yesterday to forget it and just focus on today. I know that that is the same with counting calories and everything but there is just something about having that number and knowing you can have whatever you want as long as you stay within your points and each day is a new start.  

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Family Time = Overeating Time

Hi! So I had a little holiday as I had Family over from France and so my time was spent running after little ones and going for walks in the rain! The last few days have been hard work. My mother loves cooking and is not happy until everybody has a plate of something in front of them. On top of that I could tell you exactly how the day goes...
10.30am - Arrive for coffee and biscuits
12.00pm - Pre lunch drinks and nibbles
1.00 pm -  Lunch
2.00 pm - After lunch coffee
4.00 pm - Tea and home made cake/scones
6.00 pm - Pre dinner drinks and nibbles
7.30 pm - Dinner with 2 dessert choices
9.00 pm - Coffee and mints/chocolate
I should point out that this is only on special occasions (family coming over/Sunday lunch etc) so it's not everyday but now I don't live at home every time I go over is considered a Special Occasion so I normally fit in between 10.30-4 and normally leave after tea.. but the last 2 days my cousin has been staying with my parents so I have been staying for dinner as well. Pointing all of that is a) v hard and b) v scary!   HOWEVER... I have used all my weekly points already.. but am staying in line for the rest of the week. Today has gone helps that I am not going to be drinking.. I don't have the points to and I really want to cut back.  
I have also fixed my "Scale" problem.. I have borrowed an old style set of scales from my parents. When I say old style I just mean that they are not electrical. I got on them this morning and it is reading 203 lbs (14st7lbs) so am happy about that but I am taking it with a pinch of salt as  I have no idea what I really was before and no idea how accurate they are. I will just stick with them moving forward though as it will still record weight going up or down correctly...hopefully more of the down than the up!