Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Slim Fast Day 1

Well today is the day and I am doing OK... in fact I think I am doing really well as actually haven't eaten anything so far and not becuase I am trying not to just becuase I dont feel the need to.. I have had a cup of coffee and some herbal tea. The reason why I think I am doing well is because I am working from home today so I don't actually have so many temptations as I totally eat at work not through boredom but for something to do and break up the day.
The reason why I am working form home today is because our new bed is arriving! Yay...BUT the annoying things is that when the delivery people phoned to organise when they should come they were kind of annoying. They asked when would I like it delivered as they deliver between 8.00am and 9pm and was thinking perfect I will get it delivered after work. So I requested a delivery slot between 6.30pm and 9pm but was told actually all we can do is request it to be delivered at that time but in actual fact it could come any time in the day... I was like "What!!!! What's the point in asking me when I want it delivered then!?!" But hey ho..the most important thing is that we are getting our new bed! Can not wait.. at the moment we are just sleeping on top of a pile of duvets on the floor and I have toaally done my shoulder in as woke up in the middle of the night with it in a huge spasm and now in so much pain!!!
Also guess what... got on the scales today and saw 205lbs... why couldn't that have been there yesterday when I record my weigh in?

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