Thursday, 27 September 2012

Day 3 - Part Slim Fast, Part Me

Ok so today's plan:
Breakfast: Muesli
Coffee Time: Apple
Lunch: Plain Salad and Shake
Afternoon Snack: Shake and Apple
Dinner:  Small Portion of Something Healthy
I really want to lose weight for the Holiday and I am not going to lie I am really struggling to get back into good habits. I have lost them from all the celebrations and now we have just moved in we are having nice meals every evening and having wine and nibbles because we are finally in our own place and enjoying it! Now we have social things happening at the weekend including going out for a free 3 course meal on Friday night and then going on holiday to Spain in 7 days!
I think what I will do is go to the library and see of there are any self help books just to try and get me re-focused. I am just really struggling because Biggy and I are just having such a good time at the moment. We are sitting at our dining room table and having a proper meal every night.. it is just so good. I also know that things won't really change until we come back from Holiday because in regards to food and things we don't want to do a big shop and then go away for 10 days so just going to do little ones. Once we are back from Spain I want to really do meal plans and prepare food on Sunday evenings for the week, almost turn Sunday night into a cooking evening together with a glass of wine.
So all I can do is try my best, keep with the shakes and very light lunch and do my best.. I want to lose weight but I am also loving everything at the moment and spending such quality time with Biggy that I am going to continue like this until we come back from Spain.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Slim Fast Day 2 = FAIL

Failed... right today has been really hard and one thing that has been very much highlighted to me is that I eat at work from being behind a desk. I love my job and am not bored but I find myself just hungry. Today this is what I have done:
30 minutes Swimming
Slim Fast Shake - 230cals
Graze Apple and Cinnamon Flapjack - 237cal
Graze Korean Chilli Rice Crackers - 98cal
 Slim Fast Shake - 230cal
Graze Pistachios - 185cal
Graze Pear Tatin - 143 cal
GRAND TOTAL OF 1123 Calories
Now this really annoys me as when I have my normal food of a bowl of cereal with soup or salad for lunch and some fruit that fills me up and leaves me feeling satisfied I have about 700/800 Calories before dinner. I am not saying that Slim Fast doesn't work as I know it does but I think my biggest problem with it is the feeling of being empty. I love food and I love eating. I try and stay healthy and eat well but if I don't have the enjoyment of eating even  if it is a salad I just start eating non stop trying to fill that feeling. It is wrong I know but that is the way I am...I would happily eat a plate full of salad and then not eat anything else for the rest of the afternoon as I know I have eaten and so feel full but doing the shakes I just don't think is going to work for me. Also every time I have a shake I think this is 230 calories - a whole can of soup is often less than that and alot more filling. The annoying thing is that at lunch I went out and bought 6 of the ready made bottles .... soooooooo I think what I will do is have a shake in the morning for breakfast and if i am hungry later in the day have a shake in the afternoon but still have a soup or something extra light for lunch.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Slim Fast Day 1

Well today is the day and I am doing OK... in fact I think I am doing really well as actually haven't eaten anything so far and not becuase I am trying not to just becuase I dont feel the need to.. I have had a cup of coffee and some herbal tea. The reason why I think I am doing well is because I am working from home today so I don't actually have so many temptations as I totally eat at work not through boredom but for something to do and break up the day.
The reason why I am working form home today is because our new bed is arriving! Yay...BUT the annoying things is that when the delivery people phoned to organise when they should come they were kind of annoying. They asked when would I like it delivered as they deliver between 8.00am and 9pm and was thinking perfect I will get it delivered after work. So I requested a delivery slot between 6.30pm and 9pm but was told actually all we can do is request it to be delivered at that time but in actual fact it could come any time in the day... I was like "What!!!! What's the point in asking me when I want it delivered then!?!" But hey ho..the most important thing is that we are getting our new bed! Can not wait.. at the moment we are just sleeping on top of a pile of duvets on the floor and I have toaally done my shoulder in as woke up in the middle of the night with it in a huge spasm and now in so much pain!!!
Also guess what... got on the scales today and saw 205lbs... why couldn't that have been there yesterday when I record my weigh in?

Monday, 24 September 2012

Monday Weigh In - 24.09.12

One word: OOOPPPPPPSSSSS. I got on the scales this morning and it wasn't good. Wasn't good at all. 207lbs......207.... not happy about that at all. 2lbs gain from last week when all I did was eat mountains of curry! However... I am not surprised at all because this week FINALLY we moved. We packed everything up during the week and moved in on the weekend. Our new place is looking so good... and is going to look even better when we are fully moved in! Anyway back to the 207 part and more on the house later... although I was doing well in the day time at work and although I had such plans to eat less I think realistically I was eating fine in the day time but too much because my stomach had expanded from the week before I was finding it really hard to cut down on my portion sizes. In the evenings it was going really wrong as well, I was knackered from all the wedding celebrations and because we were moving I didn't want to do a big food shop and use all our dishes etc so we ate alot of ready meals and we were drinking wine most nights but not just a glass perhaps like 3 large glasses each. Then this weekend I had a baguette and a McDonald's a huge Sunday roast and creamy pasta and banoffee pie and trimisu  and the list goes on and on and on!!!
Although I am not happy about it, and I really am not.. I was so close to 200lbs and now I have to lose 7lbs (which wasn't easy in the first place) to get back down to it before actually having a further achievement... I am not beating myself up about. I put on some weight yes but I didn't eat well, I have been super busy and to be honest I have had other things to sort out than just being able to concentrate on my weight. One thing I do want to watch is that I didn't relax because I am swimming. Since swimming I don't feel the need to weigh myself all the time but I have to make sure I don't use it as an excuse to stop watching what I eat.
I only have 1 week and 3 days until we go on holiday, would still like to hit 196lbs but I don't think it will happen, if I can get down to 200lbs I would be just as happy.. question is how..!
I do keep on thinking I should go over to the dark side and do Slim Fast as I know I will defo lose it.. but it is just so hard and I know it's not a real weight loss...but then my gain isn't a real weight gain (As in I know why, I know how and I know it will come off). Perhaps I should just bite the bullet and do it. I can have a shake before going swimming and a shake after at work then fruit and nuts during the day with a shake at lunch. If I do it then I know I will lose it and feel good when we go to Spain.... it is just the sensible side of me that knows that these diets don't work in the long run and the fact that I have lost weight without doing fads. 
OK decision made doing Slim Fast for just over 7 days isn't going to hurt me or me weight loss journey in the long run.. so I am going to do it.  Not starting tomorrow but right now.... next post will be Slim Fast Day 1.5!!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Blogging Boredom

I love writing my blog and for me it keeps me focused and emotional sane  (most of the time)... but sometimes I feel that my posts are just so boring and mundane.. I talk about the same things all the time... and it is always about weight loss... which I know it the reason for the blog but I think sometimes you must want to know a little bit more about my life... but then I realise that my life really isn't that interesting... and I want this blog to be about weight loss... not about the latest going on in my life. The blogs I like reading are about how other people are getting on emotionally and with ideas they have or new things they have tried etc and I guess I want the same.
If your reading this do you find my blog boring?
 If you write a blog how do you keep it interesting?

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Made It To The Pool On Time!

So cold this morning
This morning it was so dark when my alarm went off and I was so cosy in bed... for about a minute I thought ... oh fuck it I will go swimming tomorrow. But then I I want to be over weight and not be totally happy with my body... no... so I hauled myself out of bed and went to the gym. My swimming was really good this morning, I was the only one in the pool for half my workout and so was talking to myself .. like a sane person does... and was just reminding myself that right at that moment I was doing something to make me better and stronger and to really feel my body moving and my muscles working and appreciate it. I will tell you what I felt:
I felt how my rib cage feels like it is just made up of bone and has lost the layer of fat that was sitting heavily on top of it
I felt my arms moving through the water and could feel my muscles contracting when I pulled to do another stroke
I could feel when I went on my back and put my hands on my waist that is feels alot smaller and more defined
I could feel my legs really going for it when I was kicking and knowing that every time I kicked I was using all my leg muscles
I could feel how I could go faster than I could 2 weeks ago
I could feel that I was enjoying swimming and not looking at the clock every time to see how much longer I had to do
I could feel that if I had time to I would have happily done an extra 20 minutes.

 I was also telling myself how I am in control of my choices and today I am choosing to be slimmer. Guess what.. today I have been good with food, feel good in myself and am in a good mood!

 For me a feeling that I love is feeling my bones.. Now I know this sounds crazy and some people will think that I am going to go anorexic.. (which I am 100% not)... but I love feeling my bones... my ribcage, my shoulder bones (the round one at the top), my collar bone, my knees, my hip bone ( I can almost feel it !!) ... I know it sounds stupid but for me it means that I am not covered in fat! I don’t want to become too bony as I think that it very unattractive and I love a womanly figure... hips, bum and boobs is what its all about...but I do love the feeling of my bones.
Hips, Bum and Boobs
 Since I have started swimming I am not weighing myself everyday and I really don't miss it at all. I have found that in a way I am less concerned about what the scale says. I think its because I know I am exercising and I am getting back into the habit of eating healthily I am not so concerned about my weight and more concerned about how my body looks and feels. I know that I have just started swimming and so won't see a big change very quickly but I know that my body will change.. at least it better ... and when I start doing the classes twice a week on top my body will really change. I think doing exercise does change your attitude as you work hard to maintain your health so then when it comes to eating bad food you just think what is the point of doing something that will counteract your hard work! 5 minutes of something that tastes better in your head than it does in real life is not worth 30 minutes of exercise just to burn it off... I would rather do 30 minutes knowing that it is extra help to getting the thinner, sexier, happier me rather than cancelling out an indulgence of the fatty me.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

How to Stop Eating So Much??

Ok so after a week of alot of eating I am finding it really hard to cut down on what I eat... I know it has only been a day and a half but yesterday although I had the best intentions after work I was positively starving and Biggy and suggested going over to our new place to take measurements etc so when I stopped to put petrol in my car my also got half a sandwich (didn't realise they sold them but they do) and a Wispa Chocolate bar... then after we left the flat we got some pizzas for dinner... I ate so much yesterday!!! Today I decided OK well instead of snacking through out the day I should have a big breakfast medium lunch and small dinner and that way I will stay in my 1500 calorie limit and although I am doing it I would quite happily eat a bit more now although I have just had lunch! I think my stomach has expanded again as haven't felt like this for a while... also I know mentally for the last week I have just been going " Eat, Enjoy and relax... its a wedding" and now I need to get back into the whole " Are you hungry or it is an emotion??" attitude again. You can see how easily people who have lost weight put it back on as for me losing weight is an attitude.. if I don't have it then the weight goes back on as fast as you can say "goodbye waistline"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The good thing is that I did go swimming this morning for half an hour and did a good workout.
What do you do when you have relaxed for a while...? How do you get back to good habits?  

Monday, 17 September 2012

Wedding Aftermarth and Weigh In... Eek

So got on the scales this morning and was so worried about the figure I would see! Was totally expecting to see at least...AT LEAST 210lbs... but I didn't I saw 205lbs...which to be honest I am pretty pleased about. This week I have had a fully blown three course meal for dinner pretty much every night.. and it has all been curry so not exactly the healthiest of food. I have also drank so much fruit juice and alchool that I am sure my stomach is starting to produce its own wine!
Also gutted that I haven't been able to blog for the last few days... everything has just been so crazy and busy but now it is starting to quieten down a bit. This week has been awful in regards to eating... mainly because of the hangovers... why is it that when you are hungover you are just so so hungry and crave bad food. Yesterday I ate 4 slices of toast with golden syrup, then stopped for a Burger King and then had  a HUGE Sunday Roast in the evening. On Saturday I was so hungry all day as well and defo ate over my allowance ... but if I am honest my calorie counting had totally gone out of the window last week, I was more in the mindset of "It's not every day you get to have a buffet of the most amazing curry ever, so enjoy it!" 
In regards to the whole self esteem issues... starting to get better. I spoke about it a bit with my friend and she said some good stuff and then I met a girl during the week who was really nice and we were talking about Kardashians and gossip and stuff... it was very funny as when I saw her I thought to myself  wow that girl has an amazing figure and so pretty but didn't say anything, then when we were talking she said that she thought I had a great figure and I was really chuffed by it as I didn't know her...she had no reason to say anything to me...I know it sounds bad but when your friends or family say anything to you although it is nice to hear you kind of just think that they are saying it because they have to or they know your personality etc.. when somebody you don't know says something nice to you it is what they are really thinking and what they see, I think it seems alot nicer when you get a unexpected compliment from a stranger as it is a totally unselfish act. It really made my week. I think also looking at some of the photos from this past week I am starting to see a change in me, I think I look alot better and am seeing how my figure is changing. There are still photos that I really don't like but also there are photos where I can honestly say... yes I like that photo!
Other exciting news is that we are starting to move our stuff in to the flat... our aim is to be in for Friday night! I can not wait, we are now starting to shop for bigger furniture and have our bed arriving on Thursday and we are picking up a sideboard and dinning room table and chairs on Saturday. Truly truly can not wait to move in...!!
Two and a half weeks now until we go to Spain... my aim is still to get to 196lbs before we go.. even if I reach it on the day we fly (!) as I know 10lbs is alot to lose in 17 days! I am having Slim-Fast and a yogurt for breakfast, Soup for lunch and something small for dinner. Not snacking in between meals and going to the Gym. This morning I was so tired so didn't go swimming but now feel fully recovered so will go tomorrow morning and at least 5 times a week until we go on Holiday.
Anyway peeps... I am back and am looking forward to seeing the scales in 2 weeks time and seeing a loss!

Wedding Part 2

So much to say... but I am going to sum up the Wedding with photos!  We have had a fab time but oh my goodness how tired am I!!!!

R and Husband, Biggy and Me

The Happy Couple

Biggy and Me

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

3 More weeks till ESPANA

OMG.... I can not believe my holiday is like... around the corner!!! If you read my previous post you will see that I have been put on weight due to my friends wedding but I am still totally hoping to see 196lbs on the scale when we go on holiday... but right now that is 10bs in 3.5 weeks! EEEEEKKKKKK! So really need to focus over the next few I will be so so so pleased if I can get down to that in time for Spain!

I have been a believer in Slim Fast in the past so think what I will do is start doing the Slim Fast in the morning for breakfast, soup for lunch and just a small portion of whatever for dinner. One of the reasons why I often fail at Slim Fast is that each shake is 230 calories ... now a can of soup is less than that and alot yummier so I often find I don't stick to it. But I am tired of not being in the 100's or AKA onederland.. (love it). This summer has been very full on with weddings and birthdays so I know that there have been quite a few times I have gone backwards in the weight department but  each time I come back. Other areas that I really really need to focus on is my positive image and self esteem as it does affect my relationship with Biggy as I tend to shy away from him which is ridiculous as he knows exactly what I look like and isn't running for the hills when he sees me in my birthday suit! I have had some good advice on why I think so badly of myself and ways to counteract the negativity so have already started working on that.

Yesterday I didn't make it to the pool in the morning as was just so tired and this morning I had to have a debate with myself in bed for staying in bed v's going to the pool... you know what so so glad the pool won! When I got there it was quite busy but as soon as I was in the water and doing my laps instantly felt better. I only could do 25 minutes as my debating session meant I was a bit later in getting there but I did some good lengths but think I need to push myself a bit more as feel sometimes that I am being a little bit too leisurely ... but also know the more I do it the stronger I will become and so the harder I can go! The other thing that I am pleased about is that in Spain there is an indoor swimming pool so am going to keep up the swimming routine in Spain.. will hopefully help keep off the holiday weight as well as some other activities I can think off!!!

I will go to the gym tomorrow and Thursday but I won't make it on Friday as the Wedding (Part 2) starts at 9.00 am and obviously need to get ready. The other 2 and a half weeks I can go every morning during the week and then when I come in to work have a shake and an apple, soup for lunch, something small for dinner and then should be laughing when it comes to weigh in! What do you think of the plan?

Our resort with a private villa

G's Wedding Part 1

The Happy Couple
I am so annoyed that I wasnt able to blog on Friday or Monday but was just so busy getting ready for the weekend and had a few work issues but all sorted out now and ready to tell you all about my friends Wedding (Part1). Oh... also I did weigh in this week...not going to record it (205) as know it is high because of the weekend and all the food and drink!

So.... where to begin.  Saturday night my friend had a massive party where we had to do a dance and we were having to wear Sari's... could I be any more anxious???... OMG... the party was AMAZING... . I was put into my red Sari and was fairly happy in it. It was nice and tight so felt quite secure in it. I tried to have the attitude of nobody knows  me and I might look an idiot but I should just enjoy it.... so I did! There was so much food, they had all these separate stalls where you could get Sushi, Noodles, Chat, as well as fresh Nann Bread and so may different types of curry's you couldn't count them. There was so much champagne and spirits it was like a fountain. We did our dance which went quite well. We didn't forget the moves that much and it went on for about 40 seconds which was such a relief. We were not the only ones dancing and some of the dances were amazing... I love all the colour and music. We also had Henna done on our hands which was so cool, it is amazing how quickly they do it and in such detail. we all really enjoyed  our selves and I dance alot (trying to burn off the mountain of curry I ate!). We stayed with G (the bride) until she wanted to go to bed...4am and pretty much passed out straight away as we were knackered and a little drunk, I just can't believe that my friend is getting married and this is her wedding!!

I actually hate this photo as there are much nicer ones from a better angle

The next morning I had someone wake me saying that G was feeling really ill and was asking for up worried thinking oh god she has had a reaction to something of sick with nerves...  guess what she was just very every bride should be on the day of her wedding (!) lol! After having some breakfast (left over curry and noodles that almost blew my mouth off...I am not great with spicy food) it was time to get ready and help get the bride ready. Lots of fun and lots of chatter, G looked stunning and the location where she said her vows was beautiful. Guess what car we had to take us to the location... oh only a Rolls Royce Phantom... ahem....Whose The Daddy!! Once we arrived we had to hide out for a bit until it was ready to walk down the aisle...Surprisingly I didn't cry during the ceremony and after there were lots of photo opportunities... lots of champagne and lots of delicious canapes....

We got home around 6.00pm and I was asleep at 8.00pm.... was sooooo completely knackered. We have another function to go to tonight and tomorrow night and then the big religious ceremony on Friday and the Ball on Saturday.... can not wait!!

Thursday, 6 September 2012

This Video Made My Day


Feeling Better

Feeling in a better mood today even though I am a little gutted that I didn't make it to the gym this morning. I was knackered last night as I only got about 5 hours sleep on Tuesday night and last night we went to bed at 11.00pm. My alarm went off at 6.15 this morning and I put it on snooze... next thing I knew it was 7.00am and I had to get up to get to work on time! But not going to beat myself up about it as for my first week I will have gone swimming three times (defo going tomorrow morning) which is still good.
Also got on the scales this morning and back down to 201lbs.... so desperate to get into the 100's! Only 2 lbs away... could have potentially seen it this Monday but have my friends wedding this weekend... we will see what happens as not sure what kind of food is going to be served... if it's alot of spicy food I will be ok as not a huge fan of spice! I read something yesterday that gave me food for thought.. (ha...FOOD for thought!!) was an article about losing weight and  how you didn't get fat overnight and it took a huge number of habits forming over years to make you the weight you are and so to lose weight it is the same.. you have to forget the habits and start new ones.. this isn't going to happen over night and it will take time to lose the weight you put on over YEARS of overeating.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Where is my positive image of myself?

I am really fed up of hating my body and for the life of me I can not see the positive things and only see the negative with most of those being magnified by 100%. Last night I went over to my friends house to practise our dance for her wedding. I was doing really well until I got changed into leggings and a t-shirt and people came into watch. I just almost wanted to crumble. I was just thinking I don't look good, I look grossly fat, have floppy arms, a gigantic arse and am looking grey because I am so pale. My friend then said that we had to record us doing the dance so we can remember what the moves are and practise at home, as soon as the video comes on you can see how uncomfortable I am and I just don't look at the camera at all ... the ridiculous things is that we are doing this dance in front of 800 people (no joke) so if I cant do it in front of 1 or 2 people I am screwed.When we reviewed the video I almost started crying but managed to hold it back. 
The next thing that made me almost crumble was when we were having to try on outfits; we are wearing Sari's and we were able to choose from my friends huge stash of them. I love them and think look great BUT think I look like an absolute twat in them. I hate that they don't cover you up properly and I know it is the style and know that nobody will think the things I think but I just hate how all my fat is on show and I feel like it doesn't sit properly and just makes me look like a bag of material. My friends say that it suits me etc but I just don't feel good and it is all because of my own insecurities. I start to panic about how I am going to look and what other people are going to think and how I will appear...but not like "oh dear what will people think" more like " "OMG, what am I going to do.. how can I avoid this can I lose the weight quickly to make it better..what happens if it falls off... my stomach is to wobbly to wear that...what happens if it doesn't fit on the day..what happens if people actually start laughing at me.." and this loop of pure panic goes around and around and around in my head.
What am I missing?
The problem is I don't know how to stop it, normally when you lose weight your confidence grows..why is mine going in the other direction? It really really gets me down and makes me not want to go out and do things as I don't want people seeing me. I think this is also why I am perhaps buying clothes as I keep on hoping that if I buy clothes that fit properly and that I am happy with it will make me feel happy and confident.
Why can I not see the following success:
1) I have to date lost 21lbs
2)The suit skirt I bought when I started my job I can now pull down without undoing it
3)I have joined a gym and go swimming every morning for 30 minutes
4)I have really changed my eating habits and now eat a lot less
5) I have learnt to say no to alot of foods (most of the time)
6) I have a much better understanding of food
7)I have kept off 21lbs
8)I am actively participating in a healthy lifestyle
9)I have learnt portion control
10) I have not once given up in the 7 months I have been on this path
Any answers out there for me? Any advice? I am really in need of it!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

1st Morning at the Gym

OMG so we went to the gym this morning... I feel AMAZING. We got there for 6.30am and I was in the pool by 6.40am. there were only 2 other people there but then they left so was just me and Biggy. I did 30 minutes of swimming, mainly breast stroke and then spent 5 minutes or so in a very hot jacuzzi. It was so good. I just feel so clean and ready for the day and whats even better is that I know I have done something for my body.
My plan is to go every morning during the week and will perhaps go on the weekends with Biggy but will be more of a relaxing thing than lots of laps. There are also 2 classes I want to do int he evenings on a Tuesday and a Thursday. The first one is Zumba which I already know I love and the other is Callanetics Toning. Now I had no idea what it was so looked it up and this is what I found:
The theory of callanetics is that the surface muscles of the body are supported by deeper muscles, but popular exercise programmes often exercise only the surface muscles. According to callanetics, deeper muscles are best exercised using small but precise movements. Exercising the deeper muscles also leads to improved posture, which may result in the appearance of weight loss even if very little weight was lost.
Sounds good yes? I am only going to do Zumba for the first couple of weeks while I get used to going Swimming and then when I am back from Holiday will add the other class in as well!
Aggghhhhh my arms are already hurting!!!!! LOVE IT!  

Monday, 3 September 2012

Monday Weigh In (03.09.12) & Aftermarth of Emotional Eating

What a weekend. After a dismal Friday I went home and discussed things with Biggy and we came to a good conclusion regarding money and things which is such a relief but of course this month will still be very tight. The good news is that we are still joining the gym! Yay! All last week I was weighing in 201.6lbs but after a heavy weekend of eating I got on the scales this morning and am coming in at 202.8lbs. I am of course quite annoyed as it would have been so good to record 201.6lbs but I totally know why and know its something I can easily sort out. The thing that does AGAIN surprise me is just how quickly my body puts on weight. in 3 days I put on 1.5lbs, I did eat more food than I normally would and food that isn't that good for me but nothing extreme. It just goes to show that this really is a way of life!
On Friday night it was Biggys last day at his job as he is starting his new job today, I wanted to cook him something nice so we had garlic bread followed by a lovely steak with cabbage and bacon with garlic and cheese. It was very yummy but not very healthy.
On Saturday we went to the Gym to join but the sales person wasn't in, they offered us a guest pass so we could still go in. I did about 20 minutes of swimming and we went in the jacuzzi and steam room. It was so nice and relaxing and I am pleased with the gym, it is quite basic but it is clean and has everything we need. The swimming pool is really big which is good. In the afternoon we went to Bicster Village which is a massive outlet centre with Prada, Ralph Lauren, D and G, Louis Vutton etc. It was heaving! Biggy bought some things for his new job and I obviously didn't get anything, I wouldn't have fit into anything anyway! It was good to go around but as usual was reminded just how fat I am. Its annoying as I don't know why I cant sort my head out, I am now under 14 and half stone which although still is heavy it is a massive improvement on how I was so why can I not see that in my body. Instead I feel like I am I getting a worse image of my figure the more weight I lose!
Anyway, Saturday evening we went to Yo!Sushi for dinner which was yummy but I went a bit overboard on it! I do love the food but you forget everything is coated in rice and on Sunday we went out for breakfast did a bit of painting at the flat and then had lasagna for dinner. I had 2 portions as well as some Pringles before dinner with a gin and tonic.
As you can see it is not hard to see how I put on weight this weekend and ruined my weigh in! Never mind. I am phoning the gym this morning to join as otherwise we wont be able to join until next weekend and am hoping to go to the gym tonight for a swim. I have planned to meet Biggy there and he can tell me all about his day at his new job but if he doesn't want to then I am defo going tomorrow morning. I can not wait!  Only 4 weeks until we go on holiday and I would really like to be at 196lbs or lower by then. Do-able? I would hope so!