Wednesday, 6 March 2013

It Just Sneaks Up on Yah

I had a quick look at the scales yesterday and saw that there were a couple of extra sneaky pounds showing...4 to be exact...I was not so happy! BUT I know where it has come from. On Monday I was really hungry in the morning and seeing as I had had a good WI I treated myself to a Croissant (how stupid) as well as having my normal porridge. I only had a salad for lunch but one of my co-workers had brought in an amazing Bread and Butter cake which I of course had. Then in the evening I had to go and pick up Biggy from Oxford so he suggested we went out for dinner where he instead I have a starter as well as a main (I am not being ironic he really wanted me to try this AMAZING Chicken Satay..personally I didn't think it was that amazing but hey ho) For the main I tried to be good and halved the amount of rice I was given straight away. Anyway I had a heavy day of eating... yesterday I made sure I was extra good and 2lbs had gone by this morning. I am confident that I will be back down again tomorrow. It does amaze me how if you take your eyes of the game for a minute things change so so so quickly.

Today so far I have had:

Oats So Simple Porridge Sachet with Semi Skimmed Milk (215cal)

2x Sandwich containing:
4 Slices of Hovis 50/50 Bread (Toasted) (182cal)
9 Slices of Wafer Thin Ham (51cal)
2 x 30g of Philadelphia Light with Herbs (92cal)

1 Shape Yogurt (Apple Crumble Flavour) (82cal)

Giving me a total so far of 622 calories and 878 left for the day. I am planning on having another yogurt as my mid afternoon snack and a light dinner tonight so will come in easily below my 1500 limit.

Other news is that I still haven't made it to the gym yet... this is the first time since joining that I have missed it. I always went at least 3 times a week and so far I haven't gone for 1.5 weeks... not good! I know that if I don't have the WI I want I will blame it on not going to the gym but also at the same time I am really not in the mood to go. I am enjoying to much going home and putting on my new clothes and feeling good about myself!!! lol! I think what I might do is start going again on Monday. Take these 2 weeks off extra well and start afresh next week!

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