Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Zest It Up

Ok so after my ground breaking plan to totally change my career yesterday I went home and spoke to Biggy about it last night. He totally supported me which is so good and was even talking about me doing the bigger course in 6 months… I actually had to go whoo slow down! So I am really excited about that. I just need to save the money for the course which shouldn’t be hard and sign up. I am probably looking at starting when I come back from holiday so in May/June time.

One thing that all of this had me realise is that I need to really re-focus re-group and take it all seriously. Like I said yesterday I still have a way to go in my own education and understanding triggers… the last 2 weeks I haven’t been very focused (here comes the excuse) due to the fact that Biggy’s father has been staying with us and so have I been providing full meals with wine every night, we only see him about once a year so can’t really say sorry it’s just soup tonight! I also haven't been going to the gym in the mornings because to be honest I am too tired, being the "hostess with the mostess" and trying to understand a language you don't speak (french) and giving the image of the perfect house-wife is absolutely knackering... 

I went out today and bought Zest Magazine… I often go on their website and like it but I am not thrilled by it but the magazine really is GREAT. It has totally given me the motivation to get back into focus and some really fab ideas for Biggy and me to tackle our eating habits in the evenings. I realised this morning that it’s my evenings where I fall down every time. Biggy and I have big meals normally consisting of pasta or rice and although I have a smaller portion I do also have the tendency to come home and open the fridge for a nibble…this is normally because I have been so good during the day (normally about 600-800calories) and so am hungry when  I come home. However I totally know that eating a BIG meal in the evening is so stupid as your body doesn't need that energy or use all that energy as you sleep and are normally sitting not using up the energy.

Anyway I am feeling good and focused and excited all at the same time… and I know how tiring it is hearing me go "oh damn I fell off the wagon again" but the difference is that instead of falling right off I probably am only half off and still have a good grip on the wagon.. I also pull myself back on a hell a lot of faster than I used to. 

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Career Change...Excited But BIG Step

Recently I have been thinking about my work and what I do... I am not a very ambitious person. I know that when Biggy and I have children I will go part-time or stop work completely to look after the children and be a home-maker. Don't get me wrong I am all for women in the workplace and I enjoy working...but I don't want to put my children in nursery for long hours and I want to give them my time and be able to have a key role in their education and development. I am lucky that Biggy's job will allow him to have  (fingers crossed) a good salary and allow us the luxury for me to spend time at home... this is the way we are looking at things if I stay in my current role. I am switched on and I like being in a business environment but I don't want to work long hours and be in a high pressured job to progress my career.... it will invariably mean that I am earning money for other people to look after my children and provide a clean domesticated home and I won't have the opportunity and time to enjoy the life that my career would let me have.  
Currently I am a Business Development Manager for a recruitment role involves cold calling (calling people you don't know and finding out information to develop a connection) and selling and building up relationships with companies so we can assist them in their recruitment. I enjoy my job, I like talking to people and cold calling doesn't phase me at all..I like being in a business environment BUT I am not passionate about it. I know alot of people are not passionate about their jobs but I would LOVE to find something that I am passionate about and that could also allow me the opportunity to be self-employed or work flexible hours. 
So I got thinking...what am I passionate about... I am really passionate about health and healthy eating... I know I still have a way to go in regards to my own personal education and truly understanding things when it comes to food and health but I am really passionate about it and love talking about it and I would LOVE the opportunity to be able to help others. My ideal day would be to wake up...write an article on the a couple of consultant sessions talking to people about health or diets and then run a Zumba class or join a Weight Group and become a leader... I mean how AMAZING would that be? 

I have looked into it and am seriously considering doing a couple of courses...the first course I have found is around £400 and is equivalent to a A-Level. I think that this would be a good starting point as I can then really see if its something I can be really passionate about before then doing a further course which would cost £2000. To be a fully qualified member of the Association For Nutrition (Link) I would have to do a degree but there are a number of courses I can do first that would allow me to become a practicing Nutritionist.  
I am really excited by this and want to do alot more research into it. I think I will initially save up to do the A-level and start that quite quickly as all the information you learn about would be so good to help me in my own personal quest to get me to a healthy weight..My plan would be to start the A-level course soon and then if all goes well start doing distance learning for the further courses.. I wouldn't give up my day job until I knew it is what I want and I can start doing it properly, it would be realistically a change I would put into place in about 3 years..about the time I would plan on having children... .this is what you learn about for the A-level course....
What do you think? Any advice out there? 

This Nutrition Consultant course allows you to learn what constitutes a balanced diet according to established nutritional science, and equips you with the skills and knowledge to advise others.
  • What is a balanced diet?
  • Understand dietary needs for different people.
  • Become confident in giving advice
  • Promote healthier eating
  • Become a Nutritionist and join a growing and exciting industry.
All course materials will be delivered to you by post or via email, so it couldn't be easier. Our experienced and friendly tutors will help you every step of the way by email.
You can work at your own pace. Completed coursework can be delivered by post or via email, so handing in an assignment is simple.
Achieve your dream career and equip yourself with the skills you need for your long term success. Home learning is simple and stress-free, so enrol with us today!

Module 1: Principles of a balanced diet
  • Nutrition: what is it?
  • Macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats
  • Micronutrients: vitamins and minerals
  • How much do we need of each nutrient?
  • The concept of energy balance
  • A 'healthy' diet and government guidelines
Module 2: Special dietary needs
  • The Eatwell plate 
  • Babies and toddlers
  • School children (ages 4-10)
  • Adolescents (ages 11-18)
  • Adults
  • Pre-conception
  • Pregnancy
  • Older adults
  • The national diet and nutrition survey
Module 3: How certain diets can affect health
  • Types of food intolerance
  • Types of food allergy
  • Low income and dietary adequacy
  • Dietary differences in a multicultural society
  • Deficiencies and dietary conditions
  • Vegetarian and vegan diets
Module 4: Contemporary food issues and their impact on diet
  • What is a food additive?
  • UK regulation of additives and E-numbers
  • Preservatives
  • Antioxidants
  • Food colourings
  • Flavour enhancers
  • Emulsifiers and stabilisers
  • Convenience and fast food
  • The place of fast food in a balanced diet
Module 5: Food hygiene and safety
  • Safe food storage
  • Hygienic preparation
  • Safe cooking methods
  • General hygiene
  • Food safety for vulnerable groups
  • Protection against listeria, salmonella and toxoplasmosis
  • Understanding and interpreting food labelling
Module 6: Supporting people to change their diet and food choices
  • Influences on eating: social, economic and psychological
  • Food habits, attitudes and behaviours
  • Supporting specific dietary goals
  • Improving the overall balance of a meal

The Nutrition Consultant course is assessed by a series of written assignments, which are submitted to and marked by your tutor. There is no external examination required.

This home learning course will take approximately 80-100 hours and there is no time limit for completion. This means you can study at your own pace without the pressure of deadlines.

The course is designed for study by distance learning at home or at work. Students receive a course manual, assignments and study guide plus tutor support by mail or email. You can start at any time.

At the end of this course successful learners will receive a level 3 NCFE Award certificate of achievement. That means that it is independently accredited at a level of learning equivalent to level 3 on The Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) for England, Wales and Northern Ireland (where level 2 and 3 courses are similar in difficulty to GCSEs and A Levels, respectively, and where level 4 courses are slightly more challenging than an A-level).
The training courses have been designed specifically to meet the needs of learners who prefer to study from home. The course measurable learning outcomes have been benchmarked at Level 3 (using Ofqual's QCF level descriptors) to allow you to consider the depth of study, difficulty, and level of achievement involved. This course has been accredited under NCFE IIQ Licence by Open Study College which has been approved as an NCFE Investing in Quality (IIQ) centre to give formal recognition to courses.
NCFE is recognised as an Awarding Organisation by the qualification regulators for England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. These are Ofqual (the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator in England); the Welsh Government and CCEA (the Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment) in Northern Ireland.

Q: What skills are needed to enrol onto this course?
You do not need any previous knowledge to enrol onto this course.
Q: Is there a time limit for completion of this course?
There is no time limit for completing this home learning course. It is truly flexible and is designed to be adaptable around your lifestyle and other commitments.
Q: What is included in the cost of my course?
  • Student record bag
  • Pen
  • Mouse mat
  • Study guide
  • Comprehensive study notes
  • Personal tutor support
  • Assignment marking and feedback
  • Accreditation
Q: Do I have to sit an exam?
No. We will issue certification based on your coursework alone.
Q: Are there any additional costs?
No, everything you need is included in the price!
Q: How do I get my work assessed?
Once we receive your work we will mark it and return it to you. On successful completion of the course you will be awarded your diploma proving your success in nutrition.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Weigh In - 25.03.13

OMG....feeling really ill today - WI saw me back to 194lbs which I am pleased about - I want to get to 189lbs for the 12th of April - Which is when i go on holiday ..I think it's do-able - Just need to bring my A game!

I am going now before I am sick all over my keyboard - Not likely but that is how I feel right now.... 

Friday, 22 March 2013

Khloe Kardashian - Hot or What

Khloe K is looking quite hot at the moment... I do love Khloe and think out of all the Kardashian's she is defo the best one for her outlook in life, the way she looks at her marriage and her openness with her weight!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Reflection & A Whole Lot of Of Honesty

Last night I got a mini telling off from one of my readers...and quite rightly so....she pointed out that with all of my diet plans I only stick with them for a short amount of time and don't give it 100% when I am doing it. 

Weight Watchers - I never stuck to my total allowance and would use my Weeklies by Wednesday. I only did it for about 3 months and although I lost 10lbs it was mainly in the first few weeks. 

MyFitnessPal - I very rarely stick to the  1500 allowance and if I have had a big meal one day and have gone  over my allowance I won't try and compensate the next day. 

The Gym - Actually I am pretty good with the gym but I never stick to the plan I have set myself - I just try and go at least 3 times a week. 

Although I have made some really big changes in the way I look at food and have got a lot more healthy habits I still have some really devils about food. I weigh myself every day ... which actually I am fine with and I don't freak out if I have put on 2lbs... I'm not happy about it but I don't go crazy.... having said that I do sometimes look at food in a bad way.... 

  • In the past I have taken Laxatives on a regular basis... for about 3-6 months but stopped when I was starting to get really bad cramps on a regular basis. 
  • On Sundays I tend to not eat very much at all as know I have my Weigh In the next day. 
  • I will try fad things like SlimFast if I think it will shift the weight quickly and the way I want although I know deep down it's not long lasting. 
  • I do panic if I know there are going to be alot of social occasions where I am going to be eating alot of food... I come from a family of foodies so if I didn't eat so much or miss portions (i.e dessert) then a big thing is made of it and the mick is taken out of me until I agree to have something. 
  • I have come slightly obsessed with my bowel movements .. in my eyes food out is very good as it means it's not staying in me. I actually drink Prune juice on a daily basis to make sure that this happens and if I don't go for 24 hours will drink twice as much to make sure the food moves out of me. 
  • I seriously wish I didn't have such an obsession with food and wasn't always thinking about it...I think that if I do do SlimFast or something similar to that where I can really cut my desire for food down and shrink my stomach then it will be alot better. 
  • As soon as I have eaten something "bad" I do then think shit I really shouldn't have eaten that and then stress a little and beat myself up about it ... I also tend to secret eat at home so Biggy doesn't see me.
Having said all of this I still eat things I shouldn't and eat to much as well as drink to much. I am feeling alot better about my body and image but still have a way to go I do think "God I wish I could be one of those people that doesn't think about food and could go for a whole day without eating" ... but I know that's not healthy, if there was a way that I could take something and lose weight and keep it off I would but then I guess who wouldn't...?! 

I think what I am trying to say is that I am constantly battling with myself to lose weight the healthy way and not the stupid way as well as ...  at the same time ... battling against the urge to just eat everything give up...luckily I am too now vain for that to happen again. My biggest problem is that I love food and I don't want to be one of those people that say no to things all the time, Biggy and I enjoy sharing a dessert and having treats together...and I know what you will say... you can still have a treat and lose weight... the problem is that I have no self discipline and it is easier just to say no than have one and stop... but then this is where the secret eating comes in.....

I know that losing the weight the healthy way is the way forward, consuming 1500 calories a day, being controlled with food that I know is a temptation for me, not giving into peer-pressure and exercising regularly is the way of life I need to have... it's just so hard when losing weight is so central in your life not to pick up bad and stupid habits on the way.. 

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Zero Noodles - Really?

So I have decided that for the next few days I am going to go back to Slim Fast... I know it's not the right way to lose weight nor is it a long term solution but the last few days (going into weeks) I have eaten quite a lot and got used to eating big emails again so I just want to do something to bring my appetite down again as well as the lbs....At the moment Biggy's father is visiting and last night he met my parents for the 1st time... I was so nervous but actually it went surprisingly well! Our 4 course meal is the main thing that is driving me to go back to SF for awhile also the fact that I am not able to get to the gym at the moment as we are spending time with family. 

Anyway to cut a long story short we all know how hard it is to do SF and not eat during the day so I thought I would try the new Zero Noodles that I have heard quite alot about recently (Daily Mail Review) for lunch and have a shake for breakfast.. 

.. So off I popped at lunch to Holland and Barrett's and picked up 2 packs for just under £3 due to the deal they are running at the moment... I got back to the office and faced my first problem... the pack advises that you boil them for 3 minutes or stir fry them - 2 things I couldn't do in the office... so I had to leave them in a bowl of boiling water - it seemed to work quite well. Now when I first picked them up, the bag they are in makes them feel really weird as they are in water and so feel really gunky- but once you get them out and drained they look and feel fine. To be honest I didn't really know what to expect in regards to flavour and texture as the two shop assistants said that the consistency takes some getting used to but I found them ok-ish. It does taste a little bit mushy but nothing horrendous - I hadn't planned ahead so didn't really have alot to put with it and didn't want to add lots of calories to them so just put some Extra Light Philli in with them... this was a mistake as the color did make them look a bit weird and the cheese just made it all stick together so was having to have massive mouthfuls, I think next time I would put a sauce of some kind with them perhaps a sweet and sour or some kind of other sauce like pesto. That's the good thing about them because they truly don't have any flavour you really can add any sauce you wanted with them and don't have to stick to a Chinese type of meal. I did feel full after them  and the really good thing is that I felt like I had actually eaten something .. and that's the hardest thing when doing SF as you go for most of the day without "eating".     I read about the benefits of the Noodles and about whats in them as to be honest I was thinking "what the hell am I about to eat because how can anything be 0 calories"...everything seemed above board and they explain why the Noodles make you feel fuller for longer... all of this I of course take with a pinch of salt ... 

Health Benefits
So, we know that Zero Noodles are a great alternative to pasta and rice in order to lose weight, and we also know that this is due to them being extremely low in calories and carbohydrates whilst being fat and sugar free! But what you may not know is that Zero Noodles are amazing in so many other ways… Although they are almost zero calorie, carb, fat and sugar that doesn’t mean that they are also zero vitamins, minerals and most importantly…fibre!
Zero Noodles are made up of water along with a very special type of soluble fibre called Konjac Glucomannan. It is this fibre that makes Zero Noodles so crucial in the fight against obesity and many common health problems. It is believed that Konjac Glucomannan has the highest water holding capacity of any soluble fibre, swelling up to 100 times its own water weight. This bulking out in the stomach means that once digested, Zero Noodles make you feel full and satisfied whilst also slowing down digestion and preventing sugar spikes. It is these sugar spikes in our blood that leave us craving more and also encourages sugar to be stored as fat in the body... predominantly around the waistline.
As well as helping us lose weight and helping to decrease appetite this means that Zero Noodles are also a great choice for people with type 2 Diabetes. Research has proven that the higher the viscosity of soluble fibre, the better the control of blood sugar levels in patients with Type 2 diabetes and it is thought that Konjac Glucomannan is the most viscous soluble fibre in nature… you do the maths!
It is also understood that Konjac Glucomannan helps aid weight loss by actually binding to fat in the intestines preventing some of its absorption and research has also shown that Konjac Glucomannan can help to significantly lower Cholesterol levels.
If that isn’t enough to convince you as to why we should all be adding Zero Noodles into our diet then let me give you a few more reasons… Due to the high soluble fibre content, Zero Noodles can help to improve those pesky symptoms of constipation that most of us struggle with at some point in out lives. Studies have also shown that this fibre can help reduce blood pressure whilst also giving anti ageing benefits.

Overall I am quite happy with it and think tomorrow I will be a bit more adventurous with what I putting in them... I think a bit of pesto and depending on how I am feeling food wise I will have some mushrooms or veg with it all...

So far today I have had 2 Liters of water, a slim fast shake for breakfast  Zero noodles with Phili and a glass of prune juice all for the grand total of 365 calories.... not bad really... 

Monday, 18 March 2013

Weigh In:18.03.13 & Weekend Shenanigans

Weigh in this week is totally what I was expecting as I didn't do very well last week and this weekend was awful food-wise  So I came in bang on 196 AGAIN..not where I want to be but alot better than I was expecting!!! This week I am going to get re-focused remember the never fully taught lesson that you can never relax..not even for a moment. 

I had an excellent weekend with so much food and far far far to much thing that  I really do  need to curb. Friday Biggy and I went to a friends for dinner in Oxford and had some really yummy rolled beef which was divine followed by a few bottles of wine and then we went out to a Bar we all used to know really well... it was good going back...mainly to see how far I have come and but also because I was able to put some old thoughts to rest. Without sounding cheesy defiantly got closure on a few things which was good and it was so good to see the friends we had dinner with ... they are the kind of people you can not see for a year and then pick up exactly where you left off... We were talking about how we are getting older and how life changes and your priorities change, then we were saying how we never go out anymore so we came up with the plan to go out then and there... we all drunk so much and all had massive hangovers the next day... I was actually sick on the way home the next day which never happens to was not good. We got home and went straight back to bed. I then had to get back up again at 4ish to start to get ready to go to London....

London was so good as well, I was seeing an old school friend and staying at hers and we went to the most amazing restaurant called Cucina Asellina (Recent review of Cucina Asellina), it was in a beautiful very funky looking hotel and the restaurant decor was so plush and the food great quality but with high-street prices. I would defo  go back...I should have taken photos of everything but to be honest I was feeling a bit too hungover still...I had calamari for starters followed by an amazing Italian sausage, cheese and basil pizza and then finished it off with a liquor coffee. It really was AMAZEBALLS! The next day we went out for brunch and I had Eggs Florentine with Hash Browns as well as Fruit Smoothie and coffee, the Eggs Florentine were so good and something I am going to try to do at home...

Cucina Asellina

The thing that topped off my whole weekend was the feeling of feeling good in myself (apart from when I felt sick!)... on Friday I was really happy with my outfit and was feeling good, young and hip. When we got to the bar it was really hot and I just threw off my cardigan without holding on to it for dear life because of worrying about my arms and on Saturday night I felt really put together and fashionable where as normally when I go to London I feel like country bumpkin and that everybody is looking at me and laughing...for the first time in along time I felt that people were looking at me for the right reasons and not the wrong reasons...half of this is due to my new wardrobe which I am really happy with. I have got everything I need for the moment and really do feel like I can throw anything on... the only problem is that is has truly cleared out my account and I literally have no money until payday and am going to have to tell free to make donations! 

I might not have time to post tomorrow as Biggy's father is over and we are having a big meet between families for the first time......nervous doesn't even cover it....

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Food Food Food

My lunch today was very yummy and was inspired by McDonalds McMuffins. I had 1 English muffin toasted, then spread with Extra Light Phili, topped with mushrooms and 1 egg on each half. The egg was cooked in the microwave so no oil or anything then served with lettuce and cucumber! The thing I love about this meal is that it's so easy to do at the office or at home and really filling I defo won't be snacking due to hunger before dinner with this bad boy in me! 

When I was entering in my food calculations for the meal (421cals) I looked back over my week and realised that I have eaten so much food recently, realistically we are talking since Saturday. There is no excuse for it. Although I haven't gone overboard and eaten anything "bad" I have just consumed alot of calories over the last few days. Alot of this is wine...(as usual)... Biggy and I have got back into the bad habit of sharing a bottle at night so that's at least 500 calories there. So I really want to get back into just drinking on certain days and not drinking during the week. The other part is the old vice of when you are feeling good and in control you relax a bit so actually your intake increases! I have been getting on the scales and have gone back up to 14 stone which is defo not where I want to be. I have 3 days to turn it around  so I can see if I can get back into the 13's and defo have to keep a firm eye on the calories I am taking in. 

The good news is that I have now gone to the gym 3 days in row and am enjoying being back. This morning was my TONING day which was really nice and I enjoyed feeling the burn. Yesterday I managed 30 minutes on the cross-trainer at level 8/9 so am pleased with that and tomorrow I am planning on doing a 5k run.... 

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Made Up About Make Up

I am wanting to learn more about Make Up and although I am happy with the way I look make up wise I think it's always good to learn more as I do look at some people and think wow your make up is AMAZING! I came across the below video on Pintrest, watched it and learnt quite a few good tips. You will see one about putting your cover up for your eyes a lot further down than you would imagine and I have started doing it. It looks good, however I still need to work on the right under eye cover up for texture and colour also on the same note ... I am really really happy with the MaxFactor foundation I am using I think if it was one shade darker it would have been perfect! The first video is just about general foundation and cover up and the 2nd video is all about contouring and shading. I do really want to get into the whole "Contouring" thing but I think it's something you really have to invest in and I don't have the money to do that at the moment! The girls name is Jaclyn Hill and you can find all her other videos here: You Tube Channel for Jaclyn Hill I would defo recommend going to have a look at them as she does explain things really clearly..

My friend and I were saying how much we both love Pinterest and how it really does have an influence on you, I have defo found that since looking at Pinterest I have been experimenting more with Make Up and now wear eye shadow daily... I do the whole blending thing and to be honest am very proud of myself for it as I had never really done anything with eye shadow not since I was 15 at least and wearing all the 90's style bright blues... which ironically are back in fashion at the moment! 

Is anyone else on Pinetrest... I really do have quite a major obsession with it...  

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Made It To The Gym

Proof that I was up at 6.30am

Ok So I actually made it to the gym this morning! I was amazed! I got up at 6.15 but am thinking that going forward I will actually get up at 6.00am so I am not so rushed. I need to be at the gym for 6.30 so I can walk in as soon as they open. I was actually quite surprised how easy it was to get up, having the natural light in the morning makes so much difference!!! I arrived at the gym at 6.40ish and was on the cross trainer by 6.45. Now I learnt 2 things today.... 

1) Water is essential in the morning! When I go to the gym in the evening I have drunk over 2 liters of water through the day and so don't get thirsty during my workout. This morning I was parched within 2 minutes! I didn't have a water bottle or anything with me so just struggled through it and then drank nearly 1litre as soon as I got into the office! 

2) Two weeks of not going to the gym kills your fitness levels! I was knackered within 15 minutes and only managed to do a total of 20... pathetic! 2 weeks ago I was doing 45 minutes on level 10/11 and today I had to stop after doing 20 minutes on level 8/9! But i know that within a week I will back up to where I was and I have defo learnt I really cant take 2 weeks off and not expect to drop a little! 

I was thinking this morning of what my plan should be as I only have about 40/45 minutes in the morning to do exercise... so my plan will be as follows:

Mon - Cross trainer/running
Tues - Toning exercise and weights
Wed - Cross Trainer/ Running
Thurs - Toning exercise and weights
Fri - Cross Trainer/ Running

Then I plan to take Sat and Sun as rest days. I was originally thinking of going to the gym on a Monday evening as Monday morning is my Weigh In but I realised I can just do a WI at 6am or at the gym as I got on their scales this morning and it says pretty much the same as mine. 

Now I do have one confession to make.... YESTERDAY I TOTALLY BLEW MY CALORIES OUT OF THE WATER... 

I don't know what was wrong with me I totally had a moment of weakness ...had one bad thing and then just said "oh what the hell" ...big mistake. Drawing a line and moving on! Talking about moving on...although I made a mistake yesterday I am feeling really good at the moment. I think it's the new hair and new clothes...I just feel more deserving and feel alot less fat. I can feel my natural body shape coming out and I am taking more care in my make up and appearance... I am loving it... perhaps just maybe I am getting a bit of self-love??