Recently I have been thinking about my work and what I do... I am not
a very ambitious person. I know that when Biggy and I have children I will go
part-time or stop work completely to look after the
children and be a home-maker. Don't get me wrong I am all for women in the
workplace and I enjoy working...but I don't want to put my children in nursery
for long hours and I want to give them my time and be able to have a key role
in their education and development. I am lucky that Biggy's job will
allow him to have (fingers crossed) a good salary and allow us the luxury
for me to spend time at home... this is the way we are looking at things if I
stay in my current role. I am switched on and I like being in
a business environment but I don't want to work long hours
and be in a high pressured job to progress my career.... it
will invariably mean that I am earning money for other people to
look after my children and provide a clean domesticated home and I won't have
the opportunity and time to enjoy the life that my career would let
me have.
Currently I am a Business Development Manager for
a recruitment role involves cold calling (calling people
you don't know and finding out information to develop a connection) and selling
and building up relationships with companies so we can assist them
in their recruitment. I enjoy my job, I like talking to people and
cold calling doesn't phase me at all..I like being in a business environment
BUT I am not passionate about it. I know alot of people are not passionate about their jobs
but I would LOVE to find something that I am passionate about and
that could also allow me the opportunity to be
self-employed or work flexible hours.
So I got thinking...what am
I passionate about... I am really passionate about health
and healthy eating... I know I still have a way to go in regards to my own
personal education and truly understanding things when it comes to food and health but I am
really passionate about it and love talking about it and I would LOVE the opportunity to be able to help others. My ideal day
would be to wake up...write an article on the a couple
of consultant sessions talking to people about health or diets and
then run a Zumba class or join a Weight Group and become a leader... I mean how AMAZING would that be?

I have looked into it and am
seriously considering doing a couple of courses...the first course I have found
is around £400 and is equivalent to a A-Level. I think that this
would be a good starting point as I can then really see if its
something I can be really passionate about before then doing a
further course which would cost £2000. To be a fully qualified member
of the Association For Nutrition (Link) I would have to do a degree
but there are a number of courses I can do first that would allow me to become
a practicing Nutritionist.
I am really excited by this and want
to do alot more research into it. I think I will initially save up to
do the A-level and start that quite quickly as all the information you learn
about would be so good to help me in my own personal quest to get me to a
healthy weight..My plan would be to start the A-level course soon and then if all goes well start doing distance learning for the further courses.. I wouldn't give up my day job until I knew it is what I want and I can start doing it properly, it would be realistically a change I would put into place in about 3 years..about the time I would plan on having children... .this is what you learn about for the A-level course....
What do you think? Any advice out
This Nutrition Consultant course allows you to learn what constitutes a balanced diet according to established nutritional science, and equips you with the skills and knowledge to advise others.
- What is a balanced diet?
- Understand dietary needs for different people.
- Become confident in giving advice
- Promote healthier eating
- Become a Nutritionist and join a growing and exciting industry.
All course materials will be delivered to you by post or via email, so it couldn't be easier. Our experienced and friendly tutors will help you every step of the way by email.
You can work at your own pace. Completed coursework can be delivered by post or via email, so handing in an assignment is simple.
Achieve your dream career and equip yourself with the skills you need for your long term success. Home learning is simple and stress-free, so enrol with us today!
Module 1: Principles of a balanced diet
- Nutrition: what is it?
- Macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats
- Micronutrients: vitamins and minerals
- How much do we need of each nutrient?
- The concept of energy balance
- A 'healthy' diet and government guidelines
Module 2: Special dietary needs
- The Eatwell plate
- Babies and toddlers
- School children (ages 4-10)
- Adolescents (ages 11-18)
- Adults
- Pre-conception
- Pregnancy
- Older adults
- The national diet and nutrition survey
Module 3: How certain diets can affect health
- Types of food intolerance
- Types of food allergy
- Low income and dietary adequacy
- Dietary differences in a multicultural society
- Deficiencies and dietary conditions
- Vegetarian and vegan diets
Module 4: Contemporary food issues and their impact on diet
- What is a food additive?
- UK regulation of additives and E-numbers
- Preservatives
- Antioxidants
- Food colourings
- Flavour enhancers
- Emulsifiers and stabilisers
- Convenience and fast food
- The place of fast food in a balanced diet
Module 5: Food hygiene and safety
- Safe food storage
- Hygienic preparation
- Safe cooking methods
- General hygiene
- Food safety for vulnerable groups
- Protection against listeria, salmonella and toxoplasmosis
- Understanding and interpreting food labelling
Module 6: Supporting people to change their diet and food choices
- Influences on eating: social, economic and psychological
- Food habits, attitudes and behaviours
- Supporting specific dietary goals
- Improving the overall balance of a meal
The Nutrition Consultant course is assessed by a series of written assignments, which are submitted to and marked by your tutor. There is no external examination required.
This home learning course will take approximately 80-100 hours and there is no time limit for completion. This means you can study at your own pace without the pressure of deadlines.
The course is designed for study by distance learning at home or at work. Students receive a course manual, assignments and study guide plus tutor support by mail or email. You can start at any time.
At the end of this course successful learners will receive a level 3 NCFE Award certificate of achievement. That means that it is independently accredited at a level of learning equivalent to level 3 on The Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) for England, Wales and Northern Ireland (where level 2 and 3 courses are similar in difficulty to GCSEs and A Levels, respectively, and where level 4 courses are slightly more challenging than an A-level).
The training courses have been designed specifically to meet the needs of learners who prefer to study from home. The course measurable learning outcomes have been benchmarked at Level 3 (using Ofqual's QCF level descriptors) to allow you to consider the depth of study, difficulty, and level of achievement involved. This course has been accredited under NCFE IIQ Licence by Open Study College which has been approved as an NCFE Investing in Quality (IIQ) centre to give formal recognition to courses.
NCFE is recognised as an Awarding Organisation by the qualification regulators for England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. These are Ofqual (the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator in England); the Welsh Government and CCEA (the Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment) in Northern Ireland.
Q: What skills are needed to enrol onto this course?
You do not need any previous knowledge to enrol onto this course.
Q: Is there a time limit for completion of this course?
There is no time limit for completing this home learning course. It is truly flexible and is designed to be adaptable around your lifestyle and other commitments.
Q: What is included in the cost of my course?
- Student record bag
- Pen
- Mouse mat
- Study guide
- Comprehensive study notes
- Personal tutor support
- Assignment marking and feedback
- Accreditation
Q: Do I have to sit an exam?
No. We will issue certification based on your coursework alone.
Q: Are there any additional costs?
No, everything you need is included in the price!
Q: How do I get my work assessed?
Once we receive your work we will mark it and return it to you. On successful completion of the course you will be awarded your diploma proving your success in nutrition.