A few days ago Biggy and were talking about bedroom activities and he was saying how sometimes he feels that I don't enjoy the activities or only agree as I know he wants to. He asked me if I was still attracted to him... this broke my heart as I think he is the sexiest man alive and every day can not believe that I am so lucky to have him in my life.
To be honest it really upset me as I didn't want him thinking that at all..so last night I spoke to him and I explained what was going on in my head which beive me took alot of courage as a) ihad to say what goes on in my head out loud and b) I don't wnat to sound crazy!
I explained that sometimes I do not appear to be enthusiastic as I don't believe that he can really find me attractive as I am so overweight. I explained that I shy away from him as I worry he may be repulsed by my body and that I don't feel sexy at all. I think that he looks at my naked body and judges it and he simply
MUST be thinking things in his head about how awful I look.
I explained to him that my biggest worry is that he will leave me for thinner and prettier girls. I know that none of this is true...I know that he loves me regardless of my body and I know he finds me really attractive
he said he finds me even more attractive now even compared to when we first met. He said how I have lost weight and should feel proud... but I don't. I know alot of things I know he loves me, I know he won't cheat on me with thinner people, I know I have lost weight... but I don't believe it...I can't see the difference in my body.
I don't believe I am sexy and I don't believe he can really be attracted to ME! This is something I really really need to fix as
I bully myself with thoughts and beliefs and end up believing them. I don't want Biggy to feel unloved or as though I am not attracted to him because of my crazy thoughts... This is where my heart and head have different ideas...
I know my thoughts are crazy and although I know all of this I still keep on bullying myself. I know I have to fight it, I have to fight the thoughts that run through my mind every time I catch a reflection of myself. I know that realistically this is actually the hardest battle to win as it's all up to me... I can't go to the gym to help and eating fruit won't make any difference as even when I get to my goal weight...
if I can't see the difference and be happy in myself what's the point of it all?
So it starts here:
- I have lost bang on 25lbs and kept it off....or 11 kilos or 1stone and 10lbs.
- 25lbs is the same as just over 7 standard bags of flour.
- I am 1lb away from being at my goal weight for New Year.. yes that's right scales today read 197lbs.
- Today I bought a Size 16 pair of jeans... in February this year I bought a size 20.
- I love my face and my big eyes.
- I have a booty that people have surgery to get.
- I have a tiny waist that looks great
- My twins are pert, round and are sexy.
- I do more exercise on a regular basis now than I have done since I was 18.
- I have a man that loves me and finds me very sexy.
- When people look at me in the street they are not looking because I am fat and ugly but instead because they think I am attractive.
- With every day that comes and goes my body is improving to be in the best shape it has ever been.
- When other people pay me a compliment it is because they REALLY think it.
- There is somebody out there that wants to be my size and have my figure.