Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Quick Intro

I have struggled with my weight for years... I have gone up and down so much.. but mainly UP! Until recently I didn't really understand why or how. So again I looked for another option, something to blame it on or something to provide a quick fix.  I read this book called "Just 10lbs" and guess what... there was no quick fix. Instead the person to blame was ME! (shock horror) it made so many good points about understanding why you overeat and emotional issues that can actually have a really big impact on your habits. It also talks about all the things we don't realise like the "empty eating" which is when you eat because you are bored or because you have some crisps and you are in front of the TV. Anyway it really opened my eyes to so many things.

My first thing to do in February this year was to change jobs. That would be my first piece of advice...if you don't like your surroundings...change them. It will make a huge difference to your eating and general well being especially if you are an emotional eater like me. In my first week from changing jobs I lost 4lbs, that says it all really.

I also keep a record of everything I eat I found this really good free app called FatSecret. You can join the community there on the website (www.fatsecret.com) as well as having the app which allows you to record EVERYTHING and you can scan barcodes of your foods to record them as well.

The last few weeks after loosing 16lbs I lost my motivation. I didn't put on any weight but also didn't loose any. I got my motivation back by buying Womens Health Magazine it was full of such good ideas for health and fitness with such good workouts for all shapes and sizes. What I really liked is that it's not just for people that are already helathy and fit it really seems that they are talking to all people with an interest in becoming healthy. They also have great ideas for food and celeb stories as well as fashion ... I am totally in love with it I admit.

This week is the start of my fitness lifestyle... and like I always say..

 "It's not a diet it's a way of life"

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