Friday, 10 January 2014

Week 1: Days 4&5: 2nd Fast Day & Normal Day

Thought I would do a double day re-cap. Yesterday was my second Fast Day and was a little harder than the 1st I have to admit. I have been sleeping very badly recently so was tired and grumpy first thing without even being an hour into fasting. I was ok though and didn't have any hunger pangs that were too bad, I find the best thing to do when I am feeling hungry is to think about the meal I am having in the evening, rather than making me more hungry if I really imagine all food in detail it almost seems to fill me up! 

I made it through the day and then went to my Yoga class in the evening, I am a newbie to Yoga and am enjoying it more and more, the one thing I find hard is following all the instructions when you are looking down or supposed to have your eyes closed. I don't know all the names of the poses yet so normally follow what people are doing a fraction behind them, this is obviously quite hard to do when you can't see anything!!  I felt fine through the yoga class and actually got quite a sweat on which still surprises me as I will admit I didn't think yoga would be as strenuous as it is! 

My dinner last night was perfect, I had a Prawn Stir fry with noodles and sweet and sour sauce with lots of fresh garlic. I measured all my food and the total cals came in just under 500cals. What has stunned me both days so far is that I don't finish my whole meal on a Fast Day, I go from quite hungry to quite full reasonably quickly. 

Jumped on the scales this morning and am 2lbs down (187lbs), very happy with that, if that will still be the case on Monday morning after the weekend we will see but I would hope so. I am treating today (Friday) as a bit of a treat day as I am going out for lunch and am going to my parents house for dinner, will be extra good and gym on Saturday and normally don't go overboard at all on Sundays as I am aware I have a weigh in the next day. 

I went to the gym this morning and again did an ok workout, for some reason this week I have really struggled with my runs, it's not with my breathing or lack of enthusiasm it's that my legs are just  feeling knackered.This morning I did about 25 minutes at 5mph and gradient 1....not too bad...but..a) last week I did 30mins straight at 5.3mph and felt fine and b) after 10mins I took a 1 min break and after 15 mins took another 1 min break but still made sure I ran for 20mins so made up for the rests. Then off to work for a High Protein Breakfast of:
3xChorizo Slices
140g Prawns
Beef Tomato
100g Cottage Cheese
Half a Ball of Mozzarella
A perfect 499Cals

Because I haven't been great with the runs this week, like I said, I am going to go to the gym again tomorrow. I have said to myself that on Saturdays it's my choice if I go and if some weeks I feel like I have done enough then I will treat it as a bonus rest day and if not will take my arse to the gym to make up for the things I have missed. 

Have a good weekend and look forward to giving you the results of my weigh in after my 1st week officially back on plan.  

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