At the moment, I do feel like I am hitting a brick wall in regards to seeing the scales go down (weighed in 196lbs AGAIN). All I am doing is maintaining and it is the most frustrating thing. But then I also know that realistically I am not being as good as I could be, I am drinking alot and not going to the gym. SO realistically the Brick wall is something I have put up myself. I was thinking about it over the weekend and although I am annoyed that in the last 3 months I have gone up and down by 2 lbs and am still at the same point that I was on December the 24th I have come forward massively in other areas. Also I know that April is the month that I am seeing changes happen and I am turning things around... enough is enough...
The last few months I have totally re-done my wardrobe and seen my attitude to myself really change. No longer do I have the demon in my head telling me how shit I look, instead I catch myself in the mirror and actually sometimes am shocked as I think...gosh...I don't actually look half bad! When I see my outline I think do you know what....thats looking alot smoother than it used to and there are alot less lumps and bumps .. Don't get me wrong, I still have a way to go but I am alot happier internally than I think I have been in a long long time!
At the weekend I went shopping for clothes for Cameroon, it was so much fun... I did a mammoth buy in Primark and bought so many clothes its unbelievable! Everything I bought I really liked and thought, yes that does look good. Yes I do look sexy in this, yes this does flatter my shape and anything I tried on that I didn't like instead of thinking "oh I'm so fat that's why it looks so awful" I just thought well this just doesn't flatter my figure!
At the moment I am playing around with the idea of cutting bread out of my diet as well as quite alot of forms of diary. I just want to shake up my diet and look at things that are potentially making me feel bloated. I am not going to go totally zero in regards to dairy but just actively cutting down on cheese, cream, milk etc. All these areas are a weakness for me and not that good for you. Then in regards to bread I am going to cut out 90% of it. I love things like Garlic Bread, Pizza, Cake, warm baguettes fresh out of the oven, croissant etc... all these things are always unhealthy and I very rarely eat a bread that is healthy. I once gave up bread for Lent and actually found it quite easy to sustain so think I am going to start doing that all the time. The reason why I say 90% of the time is because I know there will be occasions where I will eat bread for example I have recently re-discovered Soreen Bread which is incredibly low in fat, a high source of Fibre and really filling. I am having it for breakfast at the moment and it seriously keeps me full until after 2.00pm without any desires to snack mid-morning...which is AMAZING!

I am also playing around with the idea of also eating brown rice and brown pasta instead of white... it's not a big change to my diet but can have quite positive benefits to your health. Basically anything that's white... I don't want to eat it as much... bread, cream, cheese, potatoes, rice, pasta
Looking into Nutrition has really made me think alot more about food and health as normally alot of the things that make us put on weight are all the processed foods and they are all the ones that are addictive... we always crave chocolate and hardly ever crave an apple. With me I know if I just cut these things out it will be easier for me than just having "one" or limiting myself to having them occasionally ... we all know that once you have one... you go on a binge...